Sing being really observant didn't help in the slightest. Why couldn't he pay this much attention to details when doing his math homework, she thought. "My bad. It's nothing really." Lux picked her head up when the ringing of a doorbell got her attention. She was confused on who that could have been. Her parents definitely weren't going to be home this early, and Oz was at the school for band because there was a football game going on. "I'll get it." She excused herself to answer the door. The continuous knocking got more obnoxious by the second, "I'm coming!" She hollered and quickly opened the door without looking through the peep hole.

"Sup." Shorter held his hand up in a wave.

This was a pleasant surprise. Lux fixed Shorter a plate of food and he took the seat right next to her. Sing rolled his eyes at how she completely forgot that he was there . He felt like a third wheel at his own celebration dinner. All Lux did was giggle along to Shorter's stupid stories and jokes, and paying Sing no mind. Shorter just had a way of grabbing all of this girls attention. He was so interesting and she wanted to learn more about him. Even now, after all of this talking and story telling he was still a mystery.

"I'm going to head out guys." Sing sighed and excused himself from the table.

That got Lux's attention real quick. She ripped her eyes away from Shorter's gorgeous smile and darted them towards Sing. "Huh? We haven't even had dessert yet."

"Oh I think you've had plenty." he pushed his chair in and stacked his silverware on the empty plate. "Thanks Lux. Food was good." The words coming out of his mouth were very monotone but laced with slight annoyance.

"Sing!" Lux got up and reached out a hand to pull him back, but he was already out the door. She stood there silent as she heard the revving of his motorcycle disappear down the street. The guilt within started to make itself present. Getting distracted like this was so unlike her.

Shorter looked up as she joined him at the table. "Man." He sighed, "I feel kinda bad now."

Lux lifted an eyebrow, "Huh? I was the one who was a jerk."

"Nah, I knew how excited he was about this." He admitted, poking at the last meatball on his plate. "Lao and I were getting pissed off cuz Sing wouldn't get out of the damn bathroom cuz he was too busy shaving and changing in and out of all his clothes to find something to wear."

She raised her head from the palm she was resting it on, "Shave? He doesn't even have hair on his face."

Shorter chuckled, "I know. Point is, this meant a lot to him and he was trying to impress you."

"I don't understand. Why would he try so hard to do something like that?"

"You really don't know, huh?" That question caught her off guard. Was there more to the situation? "Sing has a crush on you, Lux. It's pretty freakin obvious." Those words made her entire face heat up. There was no way that was true. All she was to Sing was just his tutor and nothing else.

"I always thought he didn't like me!"

"Maybe not at first but you two did spend a lot of time together. It was only natural." Shorter sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I was a d-" he stopped himself from swearing, remembering how that type of language made her feel. "I was a jerk and thought it'd be funny to kinda, not really ruin his evening, just y'know mess around with him by tagging along."

Lux's lips dipped into a frown, "That wasn't nice."

"Yeah... guess I better go and apologize to him before hair removal winds up in my shampoo."

"He'd do something like that!?"

"I don't wanna take that chance." He chuckled, "Sorry again for ruining your night."

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