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Echo woke up to the sound of chuck shaking them. "Holy klunk.." he said finnaly stopping, "You are such a deepsleeper I've been shouting at you for the last 10 mins! Quick the meeting starts in 5 minutes." Echo who was still half asleep quickly got up and changed clothes into a thin cream t-shirt and black cargo pants. Then they went over to homestead supposedly where the keeper meeting was being held. "Thanks Chuck! I owe u!" They shouted back.

Echo was the last one there when they entered the building and most of the keepers turned to look at them while they made their way over to sit next to Thomas, in the middle of the room. "Did chuck finnaly get you to wake up?" He muttered under his breath. And echo resisted the urge to elbow him in the ribs. "Ha ha so funny." They responded rolling their eyes.

"Well now we can finnaly begin." Newt said out loud and he stood up ok n the middle of the room. After 20 mins or so the keepers had all desided that Thomas and echo would spend one day in the 'jail' sorry guys I forgot the name .
Then Minho raised his hand and spoke." I nominate Thomas to be keeper of the runners and echo to be 3rd in command. " Everyone went silent before newt finnaly spoke. "... Minho we are not making Thomas keeper or echo above u." "Why not." Minho shrugged. ".. cause." Echo saw Thomas turn to face her his eyes were wide and his mouth slightly open. "He cant be serious " Thomas muttered. But echo was to shoked to respond.

"Ok you know what," newt said addressing the keepers again." Thomas becomes a runner with echo and echo is forth in command, in charge of the greenies... Greenie keeper?" He said hesitating. " No." Echo interrupted. "I want to be a track hoe." They said looking at newt with pleading eyes." Ok but Ur still be incharge of the greenies, or anything about the box since it's not going down anytime soon." Newt said trailing of "Thats settled" he said and the keepers started leaving. Finnaly everyone had gone and Thomas helped Echo up. Soon they had caught up with Minho outside. "Dude what the shuck was that all about " echo and Thomas said in Union. " Woah chill out twins, you aim high get lower. All about the tactics. " He said walking of. And Thomas and echo looked at each other I disbelief.

Later that evening they told chuck all about their new roles and his echo was a keeper now etc. "Omg!" He said in disbelief his eyes night with excitement and his face slowly turning red. "Woah calm down dude u look like Ur about to klunk urself." Thomas said smilling.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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