"Well, he can't go twenty minutes without asking. He asks, but I refuse, and sin or not, Lex won't make me do something that I don't want to," I tell them, because Lexi has the power to use his lustful abilities and make me want sex, but he never does unless I want it.

I'm not ashamed to admit that my sex drive has heightened in the last twenty years, which is a combination of being a part demon and having Lust as my soulmate.

"What a saint," someone calls from behind us, and I turn my head to see Paxton, the sin of Pride who lives in Italy, standing beside his soulmate, Renato.

"What are you doing here?!" Tristan asks, leaping up and running over to Paxton and Renato, hugging them both tightly.

Paxton laughs and hugs him back. "Kayden called and told me about the meteor shower and I like to support the sin's soulmates. They're the babies I must protect, because mine are currently at home and they didn't want to make the trip. Seremi is flirting with that damned Alpha and wanted to stay home... if that child ends up pregnant, I'll kill the Alpha myself."

"Make sure to bring me with you," Tristan chirps, clambering back into Winston's lap. "How's Willow?"

Paxton smiles at the thought of his daughter. "She's met someone who Renato and I actually approve of."

I've met both Willow and Seremi. They're sweet, but from what I've heard, Seremi is hitting that rebellious stage where he's still too immature to understand every consequence to his action but he has desires. He's physically around seventeen years old, and because he's growing, his werewolf-y side is drawing him toward the future leader of a pack near Paxton's home.

There's a lot of books about supernaturals, and I have read all of them over the past twenty years to understand who I am living around.

Lexi skips back over to me, because Gale, the sin of Gluttony, has decided to make an appearance and go see the stars. He catches sight of Renato and smirks.

"Hey, hot stuff," he purrs, sitting in my lap. "My offer still stands."

Paxton growls at him. "Lay off, you rat."

I give Paxton an apologetic look and watch Renato try to soothe him.

"Leave them alone, Lex," I say into his ear.

Lexi giggles and kisses my cheek. "We've had threesomes before... you know they're fun," he says, trailing his fingers under my shirt and running them up my chest.

"Not with my soulmate," Paxton growls. "I swear to Alastor, I will find a way to kill you if you touch Renato."

Of course, my lover is not fazed by the harsh words. No threat scares him, except for the times when they've been directed at me. In those cases, he doesn't only get a little scared, but he gets dangerously angry.

"Ah, I won't touch him," Lexi promises, his face falling a little when I pull his hand out from under my shirt before he regains his flirty smirk. "He'll be the one touching me."

Paxton shifts into his demon form, and Lexi laughs.

He loves to provoke our family.

"Aw, Paxy, you wouldn't hurt me!" Lexi says in a mocking voice.

"Don't push your luck, you fucking-"

"Love, why don't we go look at the stars?" Renato interrupts, placing his hand on the back of Paxton's neck. "I'm sure Kayden is excited to show us the meteor shower..."

Paxton takes a deep breath. "Fine, let's go."

"Lex, you don't have to provoke them."

"I like provoking them."

I sigh and rest my head back against the headrest of my chair. "There's teasing and then there's threatening to use your powers to get our friend's soulmates into bed," I tell him as he starts to look at the brand he left on my neck and kisses it. "Lexi, are you listening?"

"Yes." He says yes, but he's nipping my neck and not fully paying attention to me. "I won't actually have sex with them."

"It bothers them, Lexi. They're our friends, and a little teasing is okay, but you need to tone it back." I grabs his shoulders arms pull him away from my neck and make eye contact with him. "Lexi, stop it. I need you to listen. We've talked about this before but you don't listen."

Lexi seems genuinely surprised and hurt by my words and gets off my lap, grabbing our bowls. "I do listen," he mumbles. "It's not my fault they're sensitive."

"Lexi, love, I'm not trying to upset you..."

He glares at me, and I know that I can't really do much because he's now in one of his ultra-brat moods and needs time to pout and whine in our room.

"Have fun with your make-up sex tonight," Tristan deadpans.

I roll my eyes. "Shut it, Tristan. He's a good guy... he just doesn't filter himself all the time."

"He's the baby of the group," Elijah says, watching my soulmate disappear into the house. "He's been a little better over the past twenty years, but he's still a brat."

"He's not that bratty..."

Everyone sitting around the fire just stares at me.

"Okay, so he is, but I don't mind it!" I exclaim, because I have complete trust and faith in Lexi, and I only scold him for the sake of the rest of the group. "But I better go get him before he takes revenge by waking Levi up."

Greyson and Elijah both turn bitter.

"Don't you dare let him!" Greyson exclaims. "Levi has to be up at three to go help with the baking at the coffee shop, so he needs sleep!"

I shrug, staying in my spot because Lexi needs a little space right now. "If worse comes to worse, Simon can always use his powers," I tell them, leaning back and looking up at the stars.

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