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Eyo I'm Dj, this is my first time posting anything I've written so please excuse any mistakes I make lol I will get better ✌🏻

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ this story contains mature themes and language, if you are under the age of 16 please read something else.

Hope y'all like the story 👍🏻

1:30 PM : The House

Tohru huffed as she placed her hands on her hips, it was a very humid summer day and she was stuck doing laundry outside. Usually cleaning is very calming to the timid girl but this time it was an annoyance, Tohru wiped her forehead with the back of her hand and continued to hang up the households laundry. "You want some help?" Kyo asks suddenly coming up behind her, gasping Tohru turns to face him "Oh! Kyo, you startled me" She says chuckling slightly. Tilting her head she looks up at the ginger "You sure you want too? It's really hot out today" She asks holding her hands "It's better than being in there." He says bending down to the basket "Did you and Yuki get into another fight?" she asks with a pout, sighing Kyo turns and picks up a shirt "That dumb rat doesn't know what he's talking about, why waste my time listening to him run his mouth." Furrowing her brows the brunette clips up a dress of hers "Kyo has gotten so mature lately..He's not letting Yuki or even Kagura upset him" Tohru thinks to herself. Glancing over at him she smiles slightly "I don't know what's gotten into him but..whatever it is I like it" she thinks to herself, she's pulled out of her thoughts when she notices Kyo looking at her. "What are you doing?" Kyo asks raising a brow "S-sorry ah, looks l-like the baskets empty ha I'll be right back" Tohru says with a blush, quickly picking up the basket she heads into the house. Kyo sighs as he plops himself on the ground, glancing behind him he sees the door slide shut "What's gotten into her lately?" He ponders while shaking his head.

Inside the house Tohru reaches the laundry room and immediately shuts the door, leaning up against it she can feel her heart pounding. "Why am I acting like this?" She asks herself playing back the memory in her head "I've always "liked" Kyo so what's wrong with me?" She asks herself again while running her hands through her hair, the past few weeks have been very confusing for the innocent girl. It all started at the beach - It was only a week after summer break started and Uotani got an unexpected day off of work, not wanting to waste it she decided the group was going to go to the beach! "With you? Hell no!" Kyo protests almost immediately "Aw, come on carrot top! Do you always have to be a kill joy? " Uotani teases while putting him in a headlock and ruffling his hair "Plus don't you want to see the new bathing suit I got Tohru for her birthday? It's really cuuute~" "What is wrong with you!?" Kyo shouts freeing himself, standing up he huffs and turns around "I'm outta here." Kyo says while walking away. "Man, I love fucking with that kid" Uotani says with a chuckle, sitting back down she relaxes her arms on the back of her chair "So who's in?" She asks looking at everyone "Me! I love going to the beach, I haven't gone since the Sohma's and I went last summer!" Tohru says cheerfully "Wish I could, but if I were to go I'd surely parish from the extreme heat." Hanajima states dramatically while fanning her face. Chuckling Tohru turns to face Yuki "Are you coming?" She asks with a tilt of the head, nodding in confirmation Yuki flashes a smile "I could go for some color" "Ha! Good luck with that, whitey!" Uotani jokes.

Arriving home Tohru and Yuki begin preparing dinner, about an hour and a half later dinner was served and the household was seated ready to eat.

After dinner while Tohru was cleaning up she could hear faint thumps coming from the ceiling "Kyo must be up on the roof" Tohru thinks to herself while placing the last plate in the drying rack, beginning to walk up the stairs to her room she stops. Glancing up at the ceiling she smiles and instead heads up to the roof, once up there she sits down next to the redhead "Sup" Kyo greets briefly glancing at her "Nothing much, I just finished the dishes but uh I wanted to talk to you" "Yeah? Bout what?" Kyo asks turning towards her. "Why don't you want to go to the beach with us? If it's Uo you're worried abou-"It's not that, I uh.." Kyo says while briefly looking away, sighing he locks eyes with Tohru "If you want me too, I'll come." He says with a small grin. "Yay! We're gonna have so much fun!" Tohru exclaims excitedly.

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