Snowfall x Riptide

Start from the beginning

Snowfall followed, as Riptide headed down the hall, and turned right into a doorway. After a minute more of walking, they finally arrived in a large room, filled with glass cases that housed many different objects.

"Here is where we store important artefacts," Riptide spoke. "Everything, from weapons, to artwork, to jewelry is stored here."

Snowfall hummed, curiosity piqued. "Interesting..." she murmured. The Icewing went over to a case, which contained a sword. Studying it, the weapon was clearly meant for a ceremonial purpose, as it wasn't practical at all. First, the blade was curved, with deep complex markings carved into the steel. Secondly, there were gems implanted into the handle, which looked to be made from a type of wood she didn't know about. The sword was beautiful, Snowfall thought, even though it wasn't actually very useful in combat.

She stopped admiring the blade, and went to another case, this one housing a piece of armour instead. Snowfall looked at many different artefacts, most of them having to do with fighting. She couldn't lie, she was fascinated by them, as the designs were completely different than the ones back at the Ice Kingdom.

"Ha! You really like your weapons, huh?" Riptide teased. Snowfall straightened up.

"Icewings are raised as warriors from birth," she explained. "We are taught to use every type of weapon we can. So seeing what the weapons of other tribes look like interests me." Riptide nodded.

"Makes sense."

Finished looking around, Snowfall prepared to leave the area, and finish the tour. She couldn't spend the whole day just walking around after all. She had things to do. But as she went to leave, something caught her eye at the last second. Walking up to the object in interest, Snowfall hummed in appreaciation as she looked at the Aquamarine necklace behind the glass.

"You like it?" Riptide suddenly appeared behind Snowfall, startling her a bit. He shot an apologetic smile. "Sorry, my bad."

"It's fine. And yes, I do like the necklace," Snowfall said. "It's very pretty."

Riptide grinned. "Yeah, it sure is." He paused. "A shame it's locked up, though. Would've looked good on you. A pretty necklace for a pretty dragon." 

It was only after the words left his mouth, that Riptide realized he had just hit on the Icewing queen. An 'oh shit' expression quickly formed on his face.

Snowfall, to her credit didn't miss a beat. "How professional." She deadpanned, unimpressed. Riptide blushed, extremely embarrassed.

"Oh, fuck!" He blurted out. "Ah, sorry, I don't know what got over me. Uh, I must have been spending too much time with one of my friends. He, err, is pretty flirty." Snowfall rolled her eyes.

"Of course. Sounds like a nuisance."

"Haha, yeah. Very annoying." The Seawing paused awkwardly. "Ah, how about we continue on with the tour now? There's a lot more to see." Snowfall shook her head.

"Actually, how about we just skip the rest, and get on with the talks? There's a lot we need to discuss, and the sooner we get to it the better." Riptide looked surprised for a second, before tipping his head down.

"Yeah, I can do that. Come on then, I'll take you to the meeting room."

After a few minutes of walking, Riptide and Snowfall arrived at a medium sized room. Inside, there was a large round conference table, with two seats at each end. Sitting down, Riptide gestured for Snowfall to do the same, and once she did, the meeting began.

"So, Your Majesty. I trust you know of our demands?" Riptide asked, tone now extremely professional. Snowfall nodded. Even if her coming here was a last minute decision, she still knew the details.

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