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You had been so unlucky your whole life. Maybe it was because you always believe that the universe conspired to make your life miserable or it simply just hates you. Maybe it was also because you're so clumsy. Or just because you believe that bad things happen thrice.

You're unlucky in work. You just lost the million-dollar company deal to another company just because of your carelessness. You're unlucky in friends that even if it's a Friday night, you can't find anyone to hang out with. So you're here in the lobby of one of the highest buildings in Seoul to meet your mom who wanted to set you up with someone.

Why did you come here? Just because you don't have anything to do tonight. Just because you want to be lucky in love. Just in love. Just this once.

Your mom told you to meet her at 8 pm in the skyline restaurant of the building but it's already twenty minutes past the expected time. You're limping as you reach the hotel, asking the receptionist what floor the restaurant was on. "Twenty-seventh." She answered then glanced at your heels. "Are you alright? Do you need help?"

You shook your head. You're already late and you just wanted to sit down and rest your aching leg. When the elevator opened, you were in a rush that you didn't care if it was too crowded.

You tried to desperately balance yourself since the left heel of your shoe is already broken. The first unfortunate event.

You didn't have to wait for the next one when a kid started playing in the elevator and his hot choco spilled on your skirt, even hurting your arm. The mother kept on apologizing to you but you just smiled at her saying that it is fine. You wanted to explain that the universe hates you that's why this happened. The small family went down to the tenth floor and as the elevator rose, others also went out of the elevator.

Fuck, you thought. You need to have the third misfortune already or you might just embarrass yourself in front of your mom and the guy she wanted you to meet. Annoyed, you bumped your forehead on the wall with a soft thud.

"Are you alright?" Someone asked from behind you and that's when you realized that you're not alone in the elevator. You nodded, staring at your foot but a handkerchief took your attention. Your dress was still soaking wet from the hot choco that annoyed you so you took the handkerchief offered and started wiping yourself. "Rough day?"

You smiled. "Everyday."

This is honestly nothing compared to your everyday scenario. But it's annoying. Why now? Why like this? "There's a third one. It will be scary." You muttered under your breath.

Just then the lights flickered inside the elevator that made you sigh. The third misfortune. You'll be late.

You lightly glanced at the person next to you in the elevator and gasped, he looked handsome. Well-dressed, like going on a date. The lights went off completely, only small emergency lights illuminating the two of you. "I'm sorry." You whispered. Because of this sudden power outage, he'll be late for his date. This is your fault. You just bothered someone else again. "This is my fault." Your voice was wavering a bit.

The guy calmly pushed a button on the elevator. "It's fine. It's not your fault the powers are out." He explained. "But we'll be here for a while, I guess."

Your legs gave out on you that you sat on the elevator, removing your broken heeled shoe and eyeing the choco stain on your dress. You're late and the man next to you will be late. Why are you so unfortunate? The tears sting your eyes as you started to sob at the frustration.

"Hey. What? Why?" He asked in panic but you shook your head, using the handkerchief he handed earlier to wipe your tears. "Are you scared? Do you have claustrophobia?"

You shook your head, laughing under your tears. "I'm just frustrated." He sat beside you then took the broken shoe. "I thought I'm going to be lucky for the first time in my life today. My mom wanted me to meet this guy. But look at me..." You whined. "I'm such a mess."

He chuckled, breaking the hell of your shoe with his own bare hands that you were surprised. "Can I?" He gestured to your foot and put on your shoe. "I think you're doing well. You should have gotten angry at that mother for not behaving her son, I would have done that." He gestured to your other foot, removing the heel of your other shoe. It surprised you. What is he doing? "You should have cried when the lights were on but you didn't. You're doing well."

He took the scarf tied on your bag, unfolding it then tying it on your waist that startled you. It lightly covered the choco stain that made you amused. "Now, wipe your tears and hold your chin up. The guy you're going to see will like you." The lights went on and you had a good look on his face. His high bridged nose, his brown eyes, his red lips. He is handsome.

And you regret breaking down in front of him.

He stood up then held out a hand to you, asking you to stand up since the elevator is running again. Your heeled shoes were now flats and your stained dress is covered with a scarf that surprisingly compliments your dress. You fixed your hair once fully stood up then bowed at the guy who just helped you. "Thank you, so much. And sorry."

He chuckled then pushed the elevator button to the twenty-seventh floor to make it function again. You're going down on the same floor? He shook his head, "I hope you'll be lucky with the guy you're going to see."

"I'm Y/N." You introduced. You didn't know why you said that but he smiled and took your hand, shaking it. He introduced himself as Yuta Nakamoto as the elevator doors opened. "Wait, Nakamoto? You're Japanese?" He nodded. Your mom's friend is Japanese.

The question was answered when you saw your mom looking really worried, next to a couple who had the same expression as her.

"Y/N." She called.

"Yuta." The couple called.

You had to look at each other in surprise. You're meeting him? "You might get lucky for the first time."

You smiled. You might. 

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