Thirteen: Five Years Later

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Hope was meditating. 

So much had happened in the past five years. She had gotten two sisters and one brother, and had a sibling coming. 

It had been two weeks since Kanan had been killed saving her from remaining members of the Empire. 

She was a Jedi Padawan to Ahsoka Tano herself. 

Hope had battled two Inquisitors herself and didn't know how she survived.

Kriff, Hope was pretty banged up.  

Taking deep breaths, she tried to clear her mind from her mother in pain. Did she cause her mother this much pain when she was born?

Groaning, she knew she wouldn't be able to focus now. 

"Hope!" The four-year-old twins, Rona and Mira, called. The other twins, Torra and Atin, the two-and-a-half-year-olds, was being carried by Rex, who his and Ahsoka's daughter, Annie,  and Ahsoka herself walking up. Jacen managed to keep Annie from running away.

Hope immediately stood to attention when Ahsoka came to her. Hope had started her Jedi training early, but she didn't know why.

Ahsoka smiled, and said, "At ease."

A random Imperial runs in.

"That's my line!" 

agpanjanawren comes in.

"WHY?!" She screams.

"Not again!!!" MandalorianJedi runs in.

"Another rewind!!"

Dave Filoni ran in.

"Hi!" He said.

Anjana smacks her forehead. "Seriously?!"

"Yes!!" Dave said. 


"REWIND! REWIND!" Anjana yells.


Ahsoka smiled, and said, "At ease."

Hope's muscle were very happy to obey. 

"We were told to watch you kids," Ahsoka said cheerfully. But Hope saw unease in her master's eyes. It was also flaring from her like heat. 

"Master Tano, why are you uneasy? Is—is mom okay?" Hope breathed out the last part.

Ahsoka sighed. "Your mother is strong. She also has your father with her. She'll be fine."

But Hope could sense doubt.

"Master, be honest. If Mom's joining the stars, I want to know," Hope crossed her arms, but tears were forming in eyes.

Ahsoka looked down. "There is a twenty-five percent chance that she'll join the stars. But again, she suffered a lot. She'll be fine." Ahsoka's tone made it clear that the discussion was over.

Hope hung her head, and winced in pain. She knew it was Sabine, and she wished she could just run in that room and hug her mother. But she knew she wasn't allowed. 

"Please, Mom. Be okay," she thought in despair.


"Ready to meet your sister?" Ezra whispered to Hope, who nodded. Everything had ended up being fine, just as Ahsoka said.

The eight-year-old gasped softly when a little bundle was handed to her. Bright, curious, observant, blue eyes looked into Hope's. 

"Hi," the Padawan whispered. 

The baby didn't answer, but Hope knew her sister had a good future. 

"She's so tiny and cute!" Hope squealed, but realized that her mother wasn't in the room.

"Where's Mom?" She asked Ezra.

"Resting," he said.

"Will she be okay?"

"She'll be fine. Your sister's birth went a bit wrong, but your mother and your sister will make it." That made Hope feel better.

Later, Hope (who was still holding the new baby) and her siblings were allowed to see Sabine. 

Sabine was lying on a bed, her back propped up a bit.

"Mama!" Atin cried, and tried to hug her, but Ezra held him back.

"Hey, young ones," Sabine said.

"Mama! Mama!" Atin insisted to be picked up by Sabine. 

"I can't right now, buddy," she said, giving him her hand.

"What do you want to call your sister?" Sabine asked the kids.

"Mama!" Atin said, making everyone laugh.

After the toddlers all gave there ideas, Hope spoke. 

"What about Kana? It's a powerful name, and sounds like....his name...." 

Hope, Ezra, and Sabine hung their heads.

"I like it," Sabine said after.

"What do we name baby?" Rona asked.

"Kana. That's your sister's name. We have Hope, Mira, Rona, Torra,  Atin, and Kana."

Atin started to cry. "Mama!" 

Sabine sighed, and picked him up.

They were a family, one who would be together in every situation. The highs and lows, the comes and goes. 

The children were half-Mandalorian and half-Jedi. The parents loved each other.

Hope knew that her adventure was starting.

Hello there! 

Flying Through The Stars was sooooooooo much fun to write! I'm going to do a series about Hope at some point. 

But I'm gonna be finishing my Percy Jackson fan fic first. 

May the Force be with you!

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