Two: Hope

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Only silence greeted Sabine. Fear bubbled inside of her, but then Kanan got up and hugged her.

"Congratulations," he said. "You'll be having a handful, though."

"I'd do it all over again for Ezra," she whispered, hugging him back. "My only fear is my mom. She never liked Jedi, so what will she think?"

"You have plen'y 'o time to think 'bout that," Zeb said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Well this is a shocking surprise," Kallus said. 

"Is there any other?" Sabine fired back. Everyone started laughing; even Jacen, although he didn't get the joke.  

Sabine was relived that she had her friend's support.

Nine Months Later..............

Sabine couldn't believe it. These past nine months seemed to blur into each other. In her arms, she held a baby girl. 

Her daughter looked mostly like her; the only thing that was different was her hair and eyes. She had Ezra's hair and eyes.

Her daughter was born at sunset that very night, and Sabine was all tears. 

She was sitting underneath the stars on that warm summer night, but all she saw was her child.

"Did you name her?" Hera asked. Ursa and Ketsu were with her. When Sabine had told her mother that she was carrying a child of a Jedi, her mother didn't care. Apparently, she liked Ezra; although she never would admit it to anyone (except Sabine). 

"Yeah. What are you going to name my niece?" Ketsu asked.

Looking at them, the stars, then her daughter, she said:

"Hope. Her name is Hope Randarah Bridger-Wren."

"'Randarah.' That was your great-grandmother's name," Ursa said in surprise. 

"Well, the name means 'Rebel Warrior,' and I used to be one, so—" 

"I think we get it," Ursa said, smiling.

Sabine looked back at her newly named 'Hope,' and smiled. She turned to the stars, and wondered if Ezra was watching. She 'hoped' so.


"How is the hunt for Bridger coming along?" The Chiss asked.

"Nothing yet, sir. But we are sure he'll turn up."

"Good. You may proceed"

Not to far away, a young man in an orange jumpsuit watched as Stormtroopers spread out to find him. Then he turned and ran.

Okay...............I didn't mean for that chapter to be so short. I've got a bunch of stuff to write, though. May the Force be with you!

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