Chapter 1

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An electric guitar screech could be heard echoing against the halls of an alleyway. The sound was so loud, that it woke up and scared beings from afar. Though this sound wasn't made by a guitar, it was made by a man with the head of a bomb. A man who was made to be a doomsday device. Hunted by the 'Greater Good.' A man who could eat everything in a restaurant and be hungry just a few minutes after. And this said man wasn't happy at all. The bomb's vibrant orange eyes were flickering bright yellow shapes, cross, triangle, circle, then a square repeatedly. His teeth were grinding hard as smoke came out from both sides of his mouth, in a way to cool down. Not only that but the bomb's wick was lit and getting shorter by the second.

He had just come out of a rap battle with a blue-haired midget and his girlfriend. He lost, something he wasn't used to doing. So, his natural reaction was to kill them and call it a day, but they ran off before he got the chance. Now with his vision orange, he held his head to stop himself from literally blowing up.

"Hey, Whitty..." a female voice called out as the bomb-who goes by Whitty-felt water poured on him.

When his wick got extinguished, his energy immediately drained. Making him loopy and grumpy. He looked up and saw one out of two of his friends, Carol. He has been staying with her ever since he's been running from the 'Greater Good." Ever since he left the whole "rockstar" gig. Ever since he became a criminal because some man titled "Daddy Dearest" scammed him into working for him. Long story short, Whitty worked for him and his wife and got nothing out of it but pain because apparently, his "Ballistic" side was better at singing than he was. Because of that, Dearest forced Whitty into Ballistic, causing him to lose control and blow up a whole concert. Killing hundreds. Excluding Daddy Dearest, his family, and some other randoms who were lucky enough to survive.

Just to point out, it wasn't Whitty's fault, he tried to warm Dearest, but he was shut down every time and now he has to pay the consequences. Getting hunted by two different groups was tiresome and stupid, so he found himself hiding in an alleyway. That was until Carol and his other friend Hex came along and took him under their wings. Without any questions or concerns, they didn't pry anything out of him, they didn't want anything out of him either, only for him to be happy and safe. And Whitty was grateful for that. He met Hex a week after he met Carol, he was cool, smart, and funny. He was also a pro basketball player and could make anyone his friend. Whitty admired that trait about him and wondered what would happen if he was all buddy like Hex. Though, he found himself gagging at the thought of smiling at people for no reason. Weeks and months passed, and everything was going well until that stupid blue-haired boy and Daddy Dearest's daughter came out of nowhere and force Whitty out of his comfort zone and into a panic attack, almost making him blow up in the process. Damn those brats.

"Whitty! Get the fuck up! We gotta get home..." Carol stated loudly and walks away, snapping Whitty out of his thoughts.

Whitty groaned as he lifts to his feet slowly, "You don't need to bloody yell... My head hurts like hell," he mumbled and followed.

"Are you okay, haven't seen you in that state since the first time I found you?" Carol glanced up at Whitty.

"I'm-no. Not really." Whitty admitted quietly and quickly.

With that Carol nodded and pulls out a chocolate bar and offered it to Whitty. He smiled lightly and takes it, Carol always knew how to cheer him up. Unlike some, having a conversation right now would only rile him up again and Carol knew that, so she didn't pry until he starts the conversation himself. Again, Whitty is grateful for that. So instead, she gave him the only thing that would make him calm in this situation, food. Eating it whole he mumbled a 'thank you' and Carol smiles in return.

A phone ringtone broke the silence and they both patted for their phones. They should really change their ringtone or at least, one of them should. Noticing it wasn't his phone, Whitty looked up at Carol to see she was on the phone with someone. He wouldn't normally pry, but seeing her face pale not long after, kind of made him worried. And that worry only increased when they both stopped as Carol turns around to face him, hanging up her phone, shaking.

"H-Hex-you can't go back home. You have to go s-somewhere else." She stuttered.

Whitty's eyes snapped to Carol's, "what do you mean I have to bloody leave?!" Whitty screeched, voice shifting to the sound of an electric guitar. It gets like that when he's angry, nervous, embarrassed, or scared.

"I mean what I fucking said, Whitty. Don't even ask me why because you know why." Carol stated, voice shaking lightly, "the police came barging into our fucking house, looking for you. It's most likely not your fault or whatever, but I have to keep Hex out of danger. Which means, keeping myself out of danger. I'm sorry Whits, but this is a goodbye."

Whitty's eyes widened as Carol turns back around. The silence was too loud for Whitty's liking. He looked down at his feet and then looked back at Carol. Who is gone? What the hell? Whitty frantically searched for her, she wouldn't just straight up leave. Right? Whitty took a step forward before pausing, she had a point. As long as Whitty was with them, trouble could appear out of nowhere at any time. It wasn't safe for any of them. Whitty wiped the tears that he hasn't even noticed he was shedding and turned. He paused. What was stopping him from leaving? Well, he had friends back there. He brought his first-ever friend group trouble and maybe even harm.

Sighing, Whitty walked in the opposite direction of home-if he could even call it that anymore. Where would he even go? He can't go back to the alleyway because that's too close to Carol's house and if they're searching for him, he would get caught in no time. He shuddered at the thought and pulls his hood over his head. He slouched and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he thinks of places to go. Looking up to the sky he couldn't think of anywhere. To be fair, he hasn't been anywhere but three places, one he wouldn't like to remember, the alleyway, Carol's house, and Hex's basketball court. It started to rain and Whitty took that as a sign to just go somewhere. So, he does, he mindlessly walks until he comes across a church not too far, yet not too close. He opened the door quietly and walked in, closing it behind him.

"Hello! Are you here to join the Church?" A cheery voice made Whitty jump, snapping his head to the source.

It was a female nun whose skin was suspiciously similar to Neapolitan ice cream, "I'm-" Whitty cleared his throat, "I'm just here for shelter, home's far away and it's raining." Whitty's feet shifted awkwardly and points back to the door.

"Oh, Okay! But please, think about joining the church! We do need help around here," the nun tilted her head to the side and smiled brightly, blinding the bomb for a split second.

Whitty was about to question who 'we' was until he heard a deep voice coming from behind the nun.

"I think we are fine." The stranger stated bluntly.

The nun laughed lightly, turning her head to the stranger, "we are, but having extra help wouldn't be bad." The nun then looked back at Whitty, "my name is Sarvente!" She stepped aside, revealing the other, "and this is Ruv, he usually helps me with Church activities and stays when I'm gone," grinning, she pointed to the guy.

Ruv was a pale man and had a pure white eye. The other eye was covered by a black ribbon with a strange white symbol on it. The left side of his face was marked with greyish stripes. He wore a greyish Ushanka hat with a different black symbol on it with black upside-down crosses on its ear flaps. He also wore black pants and a black shirt, black boots with greyish accents, a greyish snow jacket with black stripes running down both sleeves, and the same greyish color gloves. He was also taller than Whitty, maybe like by two feet.

Shaking his head Whitty looked back at the nun-Sarvente, "name's Whitty."

"Okay, Whitty! Feel free to make yourself at home, follow me to your room!" With a clap of her hands, Sarvente walked off, Ruv trailing behind.

It took a couple of seconds before Whitty followed. Whitty is lead to his room and after a short conversation with the nun, he closed the door and flops onto his bed. Immediately falling asleep from a long and stressful day.

Updated: November 8, 2022
Words: 1565

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