Extra 1 | Crossroads Playlist

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So if you've been reading my books for a while now, you know that I like to make playlists after I'm done with the story! I like using music and its motifs (recurring melodies) to symbolize certain characters or events.

I also challenged myself here to only use songs from video game OSTs! You might see a couple of familiar songs that I also used in Origins :]

1 | The Forest

So Below - Lena Raine

2 | Rescue

Lure Of The Maw - Little Nightmares

3 | An Old Friend

See You Tomorrow - OMORI

4 | The Labyrinth

False Knight - Hollow Knight

5 | Wandering, In More Ways Than One


6 | A Secret, Or Two

Lost Library - OMORI

7 | The Ruins

Nosk - Hollow Knight

8 | Discoveries, And Quite A Few At That

On Little Cat Feet - OneShot

9 | The Fortress

Resurrections - Celeste

10 | Changes, Both Good And Bad


11 | The Keep

Crossroads - OMORI

12 | The Crossroads

Crossroads - Hollow Knight

Epilogue | Changing Again


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