Epilogue | Changing Again

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WC: 2971

Things are changing again--in ways that no one could have thought possible.


Things didn't go back to normal immediately.

It took a couple of months before people were brave enough to venture out of the Keep, even with all the Ravagers, the main source of danger, gone. They were so used to their safe haven in the Keep that it was hard to imagine going outside of its gates now, even if that's what life used to be like years ago.

With help from the Wanderers, though, people gradually started to get more confident and explore again. They started with the Labyrinth since it was now considered one of the safest sectors along with the Keep and Ruins. After that, they expanded to the Ruins and even the Forest over time.

Because of that, the skeletons, spiders, and zombies that had taken over the Forest started to back away, intimidated by the sheer amount of people suddenly flooding into what used to be their territory. To Etho's mild surprise, people liked how the new Forest looked and wanted to keep it that way.

Speaking of the Forest, the Wanderers' new project was to clear out all the remaining monsters inside. It was odd, challenging work, as they still didn't have any weapons to use. They had to lead all the mobs to the Labyrinth's void hole or the Crossroads's lava where they could fall in.

It wasn't nearly as hard as killing the Ravagers, though.

The Wanderers also helped repair damaged parts of the Keep, which was also no easy task--the Ravager had done a number on the place, striking a little over half the sectors in the whole kingdom.

Gathering the materials was slow, grindy work, as most of the leftover rubble was too damaged to be reused. Repairs were still going on a few months later, after all the action had ended. The castle courtyard has been restored to what it used to look like, but many of the sectors were still very damaged.

Etho couldn't help but feel a bit irritated when he realized that most of the sectors untouched were poor ones, including the old alley he used to hang out in.

One day, he found himself standing at the entrance of that alleyway. It used to feel claustrophobic and dark, but since the houses around it had collapsed, it now let the high noon light shine in.

The barrels, chests, and smaller objects that occupied the area were untouched, though--most of the damage here was done to the houses on either side. Etho could see a large crater where the Ravager had crashed straight through a nearby stone brick wall like it was nothing.

"Thought I might find you here."

Etho turned around at the sound of the new voice and grinned when he saw False herself leaning against one of the only still-standing parts of the alley. She'd taken her armor off, revealing the simple purple-and-white striped sweater she donned underneath, and she wore a large grin as she looked at her old friend.

"Hey, False," Etho said, returning the grin. "Been a while, huh?"

False walked up to him, playfully punching in the shoulder before hugging him tightly. Etho could hear an audible sigh of relief as she let go of him.

"Jesus christ--when I didn't find you in this alley later that day, I knew immediately you went back in. I was so tempted to go into the Forest myself and find you."

She grabbed Etho by the shoulders and shook him a little. "I can't believe you went in to take that stupid dare a second time, you idiot."

"I'm sorry," Etho muttered sheepishly. "I couldn't help myself."

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