"i-i can't go faster," Jimin said.

"Yes you can, and you will do as I say," Jaesang said demanding while he grabbed the knife again and put it at the boy's throat. Jimin slightly tilted his head up threatened by the shining knife and tried his best to go faster. He really did, but he couldn't do it. he couldn't feel his legs and he stopped loving completely.

Useless slut" Jaesang muttered and pushed Jimin off him. the boy groaned when he hit his head to the ground. but didn't have time to complain as jaesang already spread his legs open and continued the job. this time doing the work himself.

This time went faster than normal which Jimin appreciated. Jaesang was short in time having to leave for work. So after he was done he pulled out and pulled his pants up looking down on Jimin. He walked to the sink opening a locked cabinet and took out a box. He red the back for a short moment before taking out a half opened stirp of pills where a few were left inside. He walked back to the boy that laid there a bit limply on the floor staring into space blinking every few seconds.

"Here you go baby, you better get better quick, can't have you die on me" jaesang said he ran his fingers through the boy's head and placed a kiss on his forehead and then his soft plump lips. Jimin closed his eyes when he felt that, he liked the touch. rarely the other would touch him so gently. but when he did jimin treasured it. Jaesang can be kind. jimin just had to change again. that's what jimin was doing all the time, he would chance to fit in whatever jaesang wanted. but in reality it was never good. Jaesang kept changing his words to find reasons to hurt the boy. It was confusing jimin a lot. but that was his plan, he wanted Jimin to give up trying and to just be his little doll.


Yoongi had woken up early today. he was glad he sent out the mail yesterday. It was now waiting for a reply. Today there were some important things on his list to talk about with Jimin. he was taking a new step. He will ask some direct questions. He had a few things to talk about, well actually a lot but he wont flood the boy with questions all at once. If Jimin reacts it will ask a lot from the boy. so he spit them in a few sessions.

He made his way to the boy's floor and to his room. knocking again like always on his door before walking in. Inside to his surprise Jimin wasn't on his bed. But he was laying on the ground. Yoongi got worried and went to him. The boy was breathing but he was very cold.

"aish, why are you on the floor?" he mumbled and lifted the boy up in his arms feeling how unhealthy light the boy was when he put him in his bed. The action shook the boy from his sleep and he looked around confused to what was happening.

"I'm putting you in bed. you're all cold" Yoongi said grabbing the blankets and wrapping it around the body to warm him up. Jimin looked at the raven and smiled and grabbed the blanket, he appreciated the action from the others snuggling into the blankets. Yoongi smiled back.

"Okay that's cute" he said and grabbed a chair sitting next to Jimin's bed.

"Why are you here doctor?" Jimin asked.

"Well im always here at the same time to start the day with you"

"oh, is it that late already?" Jimin frowned and sat up wrapping the blanket around his shoulders to stay warm. on the time he was it was already past nine. he didn't realise it yet.

"Why were you sleeping on the floor?"

"i don't know," Jimin said, he really had no idea how he ended up there. "I was going to my room but i don't remember anything after that. my head hurts a bit" he rubbed the side of his head. Yoongi noticed a little bump on his head and already had an idea what happened. Jimin must have passed out in the room and hit his head. luckily the boy didn't seem to have any other damage left from it, but he will call the doctor to check, just to be sure.

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