25. Fate's favorite puppet

Start from the beginning

"Remember the time I watched you play with yourself?" He said, coiling his arm around me. I nodded. The hotel, the washroom, the table, muffled moans, everything replayed in my ears. "Say it, gorgeous?"

"Yes, I remember."

He played me from behind. Hovering, tempting and teasing.

My legs parted, hands arrested over the marble slab, depicting my need. I had fallen victim to Leo's magical hold. 

He played me like a piper and I was the trance-induced rat, dancing to his tunes and walking to the river bank. I knew Leo wouldn't drown me. I knew he would baptize me, drench me with care and devotion and pull me back.

"How can I resist you?" His growling voice vibrated near my ears. "You'll be my end, woman."

If there was any residual inhibition left in me, anything which might have stopped me from wanting to have him again, melted hearing his words. I was unravelling under his tender touches, warm whispers and longing look.

"Stop teasing me." But that was only a hope I held. Leonardo Brenton knew my weakness and wanted to exploit it. In a torturous form of play, he wanted me to beg. So I did. "Please, Leo"

My back straightened when his hand coursed lower, travelling down my torso and disappearing between my legs. My head fell back into his shoulder, resting as the symphony of blood rush played in my mind, oozing from my trembling lips before dissolving near his ear.

The funny thing about inhibition was their breaking point. Unlike all other emotions, the bond of restraint was stronger than the toughest metal. Yet as tough as they appeared, it only took a heavy blow of temptation to sever it.

In that washroom, naked in both body and soul, I felt the last of my restraints break away. I heard its shackles fall, the metal clang against the floor of my body before turning to smithereens.

Leo's vision lingered over my writhing body. He was tempting, teasing, yet not executing his final blow. When he looked down, running his hand over my wet tresses, clearing away the residual stands stuck to my face, I felt something. Deep dark stirrings in the uninhabited corners of his eyes.

"Tell me, what is it?" I held his hand, turning my body to press up against him.

"There's a lot I've to tell you. Mostly, I want to confess something. But if I do-"

"Then don't. Don't think about what will happen or where we are. Just..." Placing a hand over his tightened chest, I looked up at those greenish-tinted eyes. "Just be free, Leo."

At that moment, I heard something else – like mine, his shackles too fell apart, one loop at a time.

I was pulled up from where I stood and rooted over the cold marble slab, all in a matter of seconds. I could feel his liberated heartbeats, thumping intensely. The dilated ocean behind his eyes threatened to overspill, to engulf us whole. Boundless, Leo soared, then dived like a bird, unaware of its surroundings, embracing and making love to nature.

The shower drained our sorrows. Intertwined, we ascended through the misty cool skies and dived into the trepid waters of emotions. Curtained with warmth from each other's bodies, we chanted our prayers, moaned our pain and put on display, our most vulnerable selves.

My visibility seemed to be compromised as I saw black dots in my vision. I heaved for air but instead found it in his exhales, devouring his lips. 

An addict, my body needed its fix faster than any rogue. I needed Leo quicker before the euphoria of our actions melted. I needed Leo more than I wanted to admit.

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