Chapter 8: A Million to One

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"Soon, we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy."

JK Rowling, 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'

"Here are some supplies," Mina handed a large blue bag to Evie who took it gratefully. "It's not much, but it should last you until you reach the next town. It's a few days' journey away from here. Just keep heading East and you will reach it."

"Chances are ten to one that you shall get there with little trouble," Sergei pointed to his calculations.

"Thank you, kindly. I appreciate your help," Evie said, her hands tightening around the bag, hugging it to herself.

"We only wish that we could do more," Travis looked up at her sadly. "If we knew of another way to get you both home-"

"It's fine," Evie interrupted him, not wanting for this goodbye to fester into guilt. She smiled even though it did not reach her eyes. "I'm sure I'll find some other way. Maybe there's a pair of magical ruby slippers or something."

Frederick's whining voice said, "not likely-" before Kyle smacked him and he cried out "ow!"

Travis glared at his German friend before turning back to Evie. "You'll find a compass and a map in the bag should you need it." He handed Evie what looked like a communication device. It was larger and bulkier than a cellphone. "This will allow you to talk to Jack while we are still in proximity. Stay safe, my friend."

"I will," Evie nodded. "You too. Safe journey."

The spacemen and woman waved and said their goodbyes as they reentered the spaceship- while Frederick's helmet began to fill up with tears again.

Evie's hand lowered and she looked up at Jack, who still stood there with a conflicted expression. He did not like this arrangement. Not one bit. How could he go home and leave Evie all alone in the woods? In a world that is ruled by Aku? Up to this point, Evie had relied on him for survival, for protection. What would happen to her once he left? This... this wasn't right.

"I won't go," he said.

"You have to," Evie said instantly, knowing that he was going to say that. "They will never escape Aku's grasp without you."

Jack frowned, "then I shall come back."

"No you won't." Evie smiled sadly. "I mean, I sure wouldn't if it were me. This place is hell." Besides, how could he possibly come back without the rocketship? It simply wasn't possible. Jack's hands clenched into fists by his side and Evie noticed. So she put on the widest grin that she could muster and playfully punched Jack in the shoulder. "Now get outta here, samurai. Kick Aku's butt for me, kay?"

Jack stood rooted to the ground, his mouth opened to say something when Travis stuck his head out of the ship in a panic. "Jack! The drones are closing in!" He pointed to the brightening night sky where they could see distant glowing shapes approaching. "We have to leave, now!"

Evie gasped and pushed Jack back towards the ship. "Go Jack! I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Now go!"

Jack had no choice. With one last desperate look at his friend, he boarded the ship and the door automatically slid closed behind him. He put on his spacesuit and was buckled into his seat. Jack looked out the window to see Evie hiding behind a tree as more mantis drones closed in on the rocket. Her eyes met him and he could just make out her lips saying 'sayonara,' before the rocket burst to life.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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