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3rd Person

Cat Noir has just transformed to fight a new villain called Sunshine. She shoots beams out of her glasses. That make people fall in love with the first person they see. Ladybug has not shown up yet. "I am Sunshine, my friend was rejected and is depressed. Now I will make everyone fall in love!"Sunshine yells. Cat Noir sees Marinette about to get hit and rushes to save her but is a second to late. Marinette gets hit and falls over because of the force if the blast. Cat Noir picks her up and runs away with her. She slowly opens her eyes and when she does they become wide, and her pupils turn into pink hearts for a split second.  When Cat Noir reaches her balcony and puts her down she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. This takes him by surprise, but as reality kicks in he pushes her away. He puts her in her room and is about to leave before Marinette grabs his tail. She spins him around grabs his cheeks and kisses him again. This time he immediately pulls away. He opens the trapdoor and hops off hearing Marinette say "Wait kitty comeback, I love you!" Those words, for some reason made him blush more than any of the kisses. But he reminds himself it's the akuma's powers. Marinette says, "Im going to transform and confess my love! Tiki Spo-" "Noooo, you cant confess anything or he will know your identity!" Tiki yells. "How, I could just pretend I was hit, now Tiki Sp-" "Marinette you don't understand, unless you get hit in battle, you can't confess anything!" Tiki said. "Fine i'll get hit on pupose, Tiki, Spots On!" she says to fast for Tiki to deny, finally transforming. She valted off her balcony in the direction Cat Noir went. She landed next to him and said "Hey there kitty cat." "Hey m'lady, we need to get this over with. My friend Marinette was hit." Cat Noir says as he hops towards Sunshine. "Hello Ladybug and Cat Noir. Time to find out who you really love!" Sunshine says. Ladybug runs over to Cat Noir as he starts to attack Sunshine. She was about to get hit, she was planning on pretending to try and move out the way. Before she could put her plan in action she was tackled out the way by Cat Noir. He was now right over her and Ladybug was red as a tomato. She couldn't resist leaning to kiss him, before she made it Cat Noir rolled them out the way of another attack and got up. Sunshine fired another blast this time hitting Ladybug. 'Yes!' she thought 'now I can confess without raising suspicion!' She got up and walked over to Cat Noir he turned around and hopped off. She stared chasing after him, "Ladybug you don't want this, this isn't you!" he tried. "You say you love me, but when I love you back you run!" Ladybug yelled getting annoyed. Having enough, she uses her yo-yo and wraps him up. He struggles and falls over as she makes her way towards him. She knelt down and tried to kiss him, he turned his head making her kiss his cheek, she tried again. Once more he dodged, Ladybugs garbed his face keeping it still while still holding the yo-yo in her other hand. She leaned in and kissed him, he kept his mouth firmly shut eyes still opened. She loosened her grip on his face letting him turn his head breaking the kiss. This action causes Ladybug to drop her yo-yo letting Cat Noir free. He decides tricking her might be the best option, so he grabs her yo-yo and walks over to her. He then backed her against the wall leaning in. Before their lips could touch he used the yo-yo to tie her up, with this he hopped off to find Sunshine. As ladybug struggled to get out of the string Alya who was streaming for the Ladyblog helped her out. She thanked Alya before leaping off to find Cat Noir.  Ladybug found him fighting Sunshine once more. He manged to grab the glasses and was about to be hit before Ladybug jumped in the way of the beam, knocking them both back. Ladybug gets up, mad that Sunshine attacked her kitty. She leaps into action and destroys the glasses in a few minutes as Cat Noir watches in awe. As soon as the glasses are broken she runs up to Cat Noir, latches herself on him and starts kissing him. He again keeps his mouth shut, "Nooooooo!" Sunshine exclaims as the purple butterfly leaves the broken glasses. As Ladybug comes back to her senses and sees that she is kissing Cat Noir she blushes a deep red as she hops off of him and de-evilizes the akuma. Still blushing she says, "G-gotta go b-b-bye kitty!" then leaps away.

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