Cooking With Cat Noir

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Adrien's POV

I woke up to plagg snickering, annoyed would be an understatement for how I felt. "Pagg what are you doing" I moaned. When I opened my eyes I saw plagg in front of my computer laughing so hard he couldn't even float. I got up and walked over to see what was so funny, when I looked at my computer it was on the ladyblog. It was a video of me running away from all of Night Howlers dogs and scampering up the lamp post to hide. I quickly turned it off, not wanting to see anymore. I got dressed, ate breakfast, and walked outside to the car to head to school. Once I got there I saw Alya showing Marinette and Nino something. I walked up to them and said, "Hey guys what are you looking at?" Whatever they were looking at Marinette really didn't seem to like it. Alya walked up to me and shoved her phone in my face. It was the video of me...well Chat Noir getting chased by dogs and scampering up the lamp post. It's official i'm a meme, I just stared at it while Alya started laughing up a storm, Nino looked like he was trying his best to hold in his laughs still letting out a few giggles, but Marinette was frowning. I was happy about it sure, but I still found it weird. I was about to speak up when the bell rung and we all headed to class.

Le time skip and Marinette's POV

I was not happy about people making fun of Cat Noir like that. Sure I almost laughed too but that doesn't mean he's a scardey cat! After school I went home greeted my parents went up in my room and started designing. I was doing this until I heard a thump on my balcony I thought it was just my imagination so I ignored it. That was until I actually heard footsteps on my balcony. My mind ran crazy, what if it was a akumatized villain what if it was HawkMoth who found out my identity what i- a knock on the window put a halt to my thoughts as I looked at it I saw to emerald green eyes staring at me. Thak goodness it was just cat Noir...wait what's he doing here. I walk up to the trap door and slightly opened it "Hey there cupcake!" he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, ugh I thought he would forget about those stupid nicknames! " I never agreed to you calling me cupcake!" "but you never refused cupcake" he said smirking, probably knowing he was getting on my nerves. "I stand by what I said last time you're annoying."I say, "If you say so...cupcake" "Stop, I'll do anything" I moaned "hmm okay then cupcake, you bake cupcakes with me and I'll stop calling you cupcake. Deal?" He bargained "DEAL!" I said as quickly as I could opening the trapdoor for him to come in. He dropped in and we scurried downstairs to the kitchen. I told him to start getting things ready so we can make the cupcakes. After he did this he went into a closet looking for an apron...I think. When I turned around I saw him in an apron saying 'Feline up for dinner?' I don't even know where he got an apron with a cat pun on it, because I swear we don't have one. "Okay kitty cat, I'll deal with the unsalted butter, sugar, vegetable oil, and vanilla extract. While you deal with the eggs, sugar salt, and all-purpose flour. understand?"( I literally looked up a cupcake recipe for this lol) We quickly got to work, but when it was time to use the flower, he opened the bag to fast and flower flew everywhere. It made him look like Chat Blanc, just seeing him like that sent chills down my spine. He blinked once, twice, then burst out laughing. A few seconds later I started laughing too. Eventually we calmed down and continued making the cupcakes.

Le Time Skip and Adrien's POV

I finally decided on a nickname for Marinette. Princess! I decided on this when she was ordering me get the stuff necessary to make the cupcakes, she can be sassy and bossy but she's nice. By now the cupcakes are finished and we're sitting on Marinette's chaise watching a movie and eating them. Marinette slowly lays her head on my shoulder and I'm pretty sure she fell asleep. A turn off the movie pick her up, lay her down in her bed, and say, "good night princess" I silently make my way out of her room onto the balcony and back to the Agreste mansion.

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