chapter 1 not this

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I know its been a very long time and its a different account and everything but I'm going to try and write alot more then I did the other accounts.
I'm really excited about this and I hope you all like it, this chapter is going to be kinda short but the next chapters will be longer, at lease 1000 words or more. This is only about 500 so ill do 2x the work and word.
I hope you enjoy the following story as it is the Second installment of the series. The first one is called "princesses dont cry" on my other no longer working account.

I hope you all again, enjoy my writing and I'm so happy you decided to read it 💗 😊 you are the best! ~sincerely your author.

Everything had come to such a happy ending for most. The wolves and foxes where finally living in peace after the war and my eldest brother took the throne forming an alliance with the wolves. My people were finally happy and so were the wolves, I walked down the hall of my castle with a joyful smile on my face. It had been three years and everything was finally settling down.

"Damon why don't you ever stay at your own castle? Or go bust down my brothers door?" Damon was helping himself to anything in the kitchen and it was like watching a child in a toy store. "Your castle has better flooring then mine, your bother is busy with over seas affairs at the moment and I needed to ask you something" he grabbed some bread and shoved it in his mouth.

"What is it?" I asked and he smiled at me "you've been here ever since I gave you this place and land to rule over, you never come over to my castle or anything and I hear you don't even go to the garden anymore" those where all true I didn't have time to mess around with stuff like that anymore. "Would you please come to the ball I'm throwing? Your brother's are going and bringing their mates I hear, you don't even have to dance just let me ecort you to the ball and wear a dress?" He seemed scared a little.

I thought about it and I felt like my fox was pushing to go, I sighed and smiled "yes I guess I can go with you to the ball. Does it have a theme?" I asked and he jumped up and down and screamed like a little girl."its ocean themed, something blue, green or white will do or anything you want really I don't even care if you stick with dress code. Just be ready in two weeks from today, its the 1st of this month so be ready is 12 days. I'll pick you up" before I could say anything else he was gone, down the hall to the right and out the castle doors.

princesses don't cry: a second chance (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon