chapter 11 what they were told

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"I was told that we didn't need another wolf chasing us off our land" Blare said taking her hair in her hands playing with it, she was nervous. "But this is Aidens land. It belonged to his father who won it in a war with another pack years ago" Mark explained. "Yes but our coven has been here long before the war. And when it started we didn't want anything to do with it. We tried making deals with both sides but nothing good came out of it but blood shed" Blare looked at her hands.

"Is that what you were told?" Mark asked and she glanced up an nodded "we learn all of our history from our coven leader" she told us and we looked at each other. "You aren't driving my sister away from here so give that up. And I have a book that explains the witches interaction in the war and you won't like what any of the books say" he told her and it was true. The books depicted the witches giving curse after curse and kidnapping pups in there sleep never to be seen again.

Witch's and shifters never got along even though the moongoddess was a witch. She was different in many ways. "We are only doing what we are told. If we come back and she's still here we would and will get in serious trouble. Blare is one of the youngest but strongest witches in the coven. If she comes back and it was a failure she could be severely punished" Kiwi seemed to care alot for her friend.

"We can help with that. If you promise to help us in return. We can give you information about the witches interaction and or let you go scot free" my brother said stairing at them. "I want to make a request and if you don't like it then you can say no" Kiwi said and blare glared at her "dont do this kiwi you won't be able to turn back" blare seemed furious.

"Continue" my brother said  "maybe alpha Aiden will alow this" he spoke and Kiwi took a deep breath. "I hate my coven they use me because of the power I was given and I hate it. I hate hurting others and I hate that I was sent here with Blare to cause trouble. I want to be apart of a pack. You stick together and you don't get used like tools. I can give information on witch huts around the forest and I can help settle this and push them out" kiwi had tears in her eyes and I could tell she meant everything she said. Blare looked pissed "no thats not happening. You can't betray your people like this kiwi, and for what? To be respected and cared for? We care about you and respect you too kiwi" she was trying to push kiwi in a direction and kiwi saw right through her plan.

The door swung open and in walked Aiden "I've been here the entire time. I'm willing to let you stay if you give me the location of your coven leader, thats all I'm asking for. I don't want to run you all away I just want the pup napping to stop" I could read the room like an open book. Blare was scared out of her mind, kiwi was scared but determined. Aiden was pissed and frustrated, Mark was just concerned and in a small panic mode. Me, I was just there. I watched as they continued to talk but heard nothing.

I saw kiwi pointing at me and I noticed she looked concerned, everyone looked at me and I saw concern flash across all of their faces. I couldn't hear anything and I didn't know or understand why.

*Marks POV*
My sister looked paler then a sheet but she still heald a slight smile. It was like she couldn't hear us as we talked to her about the witch problem but she never answered. When kiwi pointed out she was to pale for it to be health we ran to her side. "Amaris can you hear me? Whats wrong babe?" Aiden said in a rush as he held her to his chest. "Call the doctor i need him now" Aiden yelled at kiwi who ran tothe door and flung it open.

Blare stared at her. "I can't send thoughts into her head, she's blocking me out" she said starting to sweat. Her eyes shut and she fell asleep, I saw Aiden start sweating "she's burning up and my powers are drained at the moment I can't calm her power down we need to open the windows" Blare ran to the windows and flung them all open. I thought about what could be causing this and then it hit me.

This was around the time she shifted, she didn't have a mate at the time the following year so she never went into heat, she was going into heat due to her finding her mate. "Holy shit make sure you only have females check on her I think this is her first heat" I said walking over to the window and picking up a hand full of snow from the windowsill. I walked back over to her and placed the snow on her soft skin and it melted instantly.

"What do you mean first heat? Don't females go through that when they first shift?" Aiden asked. "No, well yes, but they normally find their mate on their shift. But since she didn't shift and find her mate this is her first heat" I explained.

"Wait, so what I'm getting is that she needs to sleep with Aiden or wait out her heat?" Blare asked and Aidens face grew red. "Yes thats exactly what I'm saying and I'm surprised Aiden has held back, she's my sister so I don't have to worry about that. But Aiden is her mate, do you feel anything?" I asked him. "No not a thing, well I mean I feel the pull a little but I don't crave her like I normally would I wonder if its because we have been not expecting the mate bond yet" and I rolled my eyes.

"Well you both need to except it or she could be claimed by another wolf and she is way to high in power for her to be claimed by some lower class" Aiden agreed. "So your saying since she is royal that she can't have a lower class mate?" Blare asked. "I don't want her to have a lower class mate is what I'm saying. If her mate was lower class it would be different but Aiden is her mate" I explained feeling kinda wrong for what I said before.

"Honestly I think its up to her" Blare said and just before I could say a finally word in ran kiwi with a doctor right behind her.  "Whats going on?" Asked the doctor, she ran over to my sister and started checking her over. "OK I can tell you whats wrong but you have to stay calm" she said standing up slowly.

"She has restrained her power for far to long and its taking a toll on her, she needs to use her power every once and awhile or it can become damaging to her. She is also going through heat, when she wakes up Aiden I would suggest you guys mate if you have excepted the mate bond. But if not and she is left unguarded by females she will most likely be marked by another male due to how strong her scent is getting" she rubbed her hands on her white coat and rubbed her forehead to her left shoulder.

"Its best if we just let her rest for a little bit then try and wake her up for her to eat something" after the doctor left we all agreed that kiwi and Blare could stay but only if they had guards watching them 24/7. After me and Aiden left we sat down and had a heart to heart about my sister. I was not about to have some stranger lower wolf mark my baby sister she deserved an empire to rule over and with Aiden his kingdom was only 6,000 away from being an empire and 90 more acres of land.

"I expect the mate bond but your sister seems to think ill reject her, I need someone to talk to her about my power and explain more then I already did because it didn't seem to get through to her yet" he was upset about the whole thing. "When she wakes up ill have kiwi and Blare talk to her she seemed to trust kiwi right off hand and with her being so untrusting of others its a surprise to me that she trusted witches" I informed him. We went our separate ways and to bed, it was later apparently and I needed to sleep before things got to intense.

*<<happy Halloween everyone 🍬🍭🍫🎃🎃🎃*>>

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