chapter 2 its the ball

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It was the day of the ball and I wasn't sure if I was still down with going. I hadn't left my castle in so long and I still had lots to do, I don't understand how my brother and Damon get by with not being home.

I crawled out of bed and started getting ready for the ball, even though it early Damon would not be here until later I still needed lots of time to get ready. I looked at the dress I had picked, it wasn't really the theme of the ball but he did tell me I could wear what ever I wanted. I mean it was blue.

I touched the flowers on the dress and smiled it was really pretty "maybe you can find your second chance" someone said and I jumped "jasmine don't scare me like that" I said holding my chest. She laughed a little "here, ill do your hair. Its so long you really need to cut it off" she said turning me around and pushing me into my bathroom.

She brushed my hair and put about three individual braids in different spots on my head. She proceeded to curl the rest of my unbraided hair.

She applied all kinds of makeup to my face, my eyes looked like a blue smokey eye with gold in the middle. My eyes popped. "Damon will be here any minute so hurry up and put that dress on. I found some matching shoes in your closet in the back" I smiled as I grabbed my dress and slipped it on over the hips.

Jasmine seemed more excited then I was, and I was the only one going to this ball. 'And its funny she mentioned a  second chance because I doubt I have one' I thought as I walked down the stairs to the front door of my castle.

I opened the doors and standing near a black carriage was Damon waiting for me. "You look amazing, are you ready to meet foreign people?" He asked and I looked at him "what do you mean? I thought it was only a few of our neighboring kingdoms" I said stopping before I got inside the bueaty of the carriage. "Yes, but I also invited foreign royals, my allies" he said taking my hand and yanking me into the carriage.

We sat in silence, I really wasn't sure about going anymore. People from other countries were going to be their, sure I had read up on some of them. I just wasn't ready to be considered a kingdom or empire yet. I had to buy more land for more farms and I had to help fund for more houses to be built in the village, what was I doing going to some fancy ball when my people needed me?

"Look I can read your face, you've been working hard for so long without a break. You go two or three days without sleep and work your butt off, I think everyone would agree you need a small break, even just for tonight" Damon said smiling at me. I guess he had a point "alright fine but I'm still not to sure about this" I looked out the window and thought about the new land I needed to purchase.

When we got to his castle you could hear the music playing and people laughing. Damon helped me out of the carriage and up the stairs to the front door. Once we walked in all eyes landed on us, we were casually late as Damon would put it. "PLEASE WELCOME, KING DAMON OF THE NORTHERN WOLVES" Damon stepped forward and walked down his stairs smiling at everyone.

"PLEASE WELCOME, QUEEN AMARIS OF BURNING FOX" I walked down the stairs with my head held high and a small smile on my face. I met up with my brother Mark who gave me a hug "you know I never thought you would come to this kind of thing" Mark told me handing me a cup of something pink.

"Well damons like a third brother and he insisted I come, plus I am a queen after all. I have to come to these things as the alpha of my pack" I stated taking a drink. I wanted to spit it back out into the cup but didn't, they must of out some kind of alcohol in it.

"Well I'm glad you came, a little late but still" I took another drink as I watched my brothers mate walk over. She was a raven haired girl with freckles, her eyes two totally different colors one was blue and the other yellow. "Hello Queen Amaris" she said bowing her head at me "Queen Yin, nice to finally meet you" I told her bowing my head as well.

We were talking when a guard came up to Damon and whispered something in his ear, his face turned kinda pale "but I didn't invite him for that reason" Damon whispered back. "I'll be right back you three enjoy the party" he said as he left with his guard.

"I wonder who showed up that he didn't invite" I whispered to Mark "so how's my little brother holding up?" I asked and Mark laughed a little "he misses you very much, but he's doing great" I smiled as I thought of him.

Thats when I started dancing with the music, my sister in law, Yin took my hand and pulled me out to dance with her. She had never danced the way we do, so I showed her how we danced. I was having such a great time, I felt happy for the first time in forever.

Hello everyone! I'm super happy with this chapter, I hope you all enjoy it just as much as I did. The next chapters to come will be just as interesting, I hope you all enjoy my work so far and I hope you have a great rest of your day/night

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