I... I don't...

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"Harry. Harry, Professor Snape is coming, and-"

"Mr. Potter!"

I lift my head off the desk, and there's Severus, standing in front of me. "Yes?"

"Why do you think it is in any way okay to sleep in my class?"

"Sorry, sir." I rub my eyes and sit up. "It was an accident."

"And if you were asleep while we were brewing, that little 'accident' could ruin your and Mr. Malfoy's potion, or cost someone a trip to the Hospital Wing. Understand?"


"Good. Now, get to copying these notes. If you fall asleep again, it'll be a detention."

I shrug and lay my head on the desk. It's not like I can copy anything down, anyway. Well, maybe a bit, but it takes me longer than everyone else, and I can't get everything, so what's the point of trying?

"Detention, Mr. Potter."


"Harry, what's wrong?" Draco asks. "You're never this sleepy during the day!"

"Don' feel good."

"D'you need to go to Madam Pomfrey?" I shake my head. They aren't running those tests on me. "You sure? What's all wrong?"

"Stomach. Head. Everything, really."

"You should go to the dorm if you aren't feeling well, Harry. I'll copy notes for you, I know you can't get them all."

"No. I need to do as much as I can, I'm already behind in all my classes."

My thighs burn. No doubt I'll get in trouble later. 

I hope his punishments are better than Uncles.

"Harry, seriously-"

"Quit it, Draco. I'll be fine. I promise."

He gives me a look, but shrugs and leaves me alone. I put my arms on the desk as my pillow and try to fall back asleep.

"Harry Potter! The fact that you are a celebrity does not excuse you from being conscious in my classroom!"

Oh, shut up, Severus.


"Draco... Draco, wake up."

"Harry? What time is it?" He sits up and rubs his eyes. This is okay. I think. He said I could wake him up if I needed to, so it should be fine. Right? "Have a nightmare?"

"'M sorry, I-"

"No, it's okay. Come on, sit down." He pats the spot in front of him. I take it. "What was it about? If you want to talk about it. Otherwise we could talk about something else?"

I wipe my eyes and shrug. "I just..."

"D'you want a hug, Harry?" I nod. I do. I just want to be held again. "Okay." He wraps his arms around me, my head rests on his shoulder. After a moment, he puts a hand on my forehead. Merlin, it's like ice. "Harry, you're burning up..."


"You've got a fever. A bad one. Harry-"

"Please don't make me go to the hospital," I interrupt. "I can't. Please."

"Why not?" he says softly. At least he isn't angry at me. His hand drops from my forehead.

"Th-They'll do the spells. They'll a-all know. I-I don't w-want them to know, Draco, n-not unless I'm th-the one who tells them." And they will. They'll do those spells even if I say no. Even if I say no, they'll do it, and they'll all know everything they did to me. Everything. Everything I'd rather forget.

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