Thirteen//After School Special

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It was the day of Carol Lockwood's memorial

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It was the day of Carol Lockwood's memorial. Rebekah had been daggered but April Young woke her up. Now Rebekah stood in the school library with Elena and her friends, compelling them to answer questions. Damon, Jeremy, and Matt were at the Gilbert Lake House training Jeremy to kill vampires. Luna and Klaus spent the day inside the Mikaelson mansion. From time to time Rebekah called Luna asking what question to ask everyone next. Rebekah placed the phone in the center of the table on speaker, Luna, and Klaus on the other end.

"So, vampire Elena is a trollop who likes bad boys, which explains why Stefan reeks of alcohol. But what it doesn't explain is why sweet, loving, innocent Elena could be so heartless towards Stefan. How could she hurt you like that? Answer, please." Rebekah ordered. "She didn't know it at the time but she was sired to Damon," Stefan explained. "Called it." Luna said into the phone followed by a laugh from Klaus. "A sire bond. Fascinating. And what do you think about that, Elena?" She asked. "I think you're sad and bored and in desperate need of a hobby." She said rudely. "You're hiding something, fess up." Rebekah's pupils grew while looking into Elena's eyes.

"I didn't sleep with Damon because of his sire bond. I slept with Damon because I'm in love with him." Everyone looked at each other in silence until a voice spoke. "Ouch. Now that's gotta hurt. Do you honestly think you know what love is? You're 18, not even an adult. You're practically a fetus." Luna said breaking the awkward silence. Elena grew angry, her fist tightening.


As the Mikaelson's exited the carriage they admired the palace. Never had they seen one with such elegance or as massive as the one before them. The huge brick towers with soldiers carrying bows and arrows keeping the palace from being burglarized but also surrounded the palace itself. "Hopefully this princess won't be as ill-mannered as the others," Rebekah said. "Yes well, we wouldn't want you to compel her to jump off the balcony again." Elijah scolded. As the Mikaelson siblings entered the King awaiting the princess who seemed to be tardy.

"Your Majesty, thank you for having us." Elijah bowed. As Luna ran closer and closer to the entrance she slowed down catching her breath  so her no one would hear her heavy footsteps but also to stay away from her father as long as possible. One reason why Luna loved having people over was because her father would not dare to lay a hand on her thinking of what would happen if he found out he was a woman beater. "Forgive for my tardiness." She smiled brightly walking in catching the brother's eyes. Everyone except for Finn, he didn't care much for love agreeing with his father. He truly was an abomination, or so he believed.

Each of the Mikaelson's introduced themselves. "Luna, would you be so kind as to show Lady Rebekah her chambers, after all, they are right beside yours?" The King asked. "Of course. Follow me please." Rebekah and Luna talked and laughed. Rebekah did adore her kindness. "Are you really from Virginia?" Luna curiously. "I am. Sadly, it's not as beautiful as France. Have you been?" She asked. "No. I've always wanted to travel though. Unfortunately, my father thinks it's best to keep to my studies for when I rule France. Well, these are your chambers." The girls walked inside.

Rebekah stood in awe looking at the silk sheets of the bed, the closet full of dresses, and the vanity with jewelry on top. "I've taken the liberty of adding a few things I hope you don't mind. If you don't have any plans tomorrow I could give you a tour of the palace." Rebekah smiled. "I'd love that." "Well, I'll let you settle in then." Luna sighed exiting the room before Rebekah said one last thing. "Why are you being so kind? I've been to many palaces but no other princess' has been as kind as you." She frowned. "I believe you must treat others the way you would like to be treated. I'm next door if you need anything. Get some rest." She smiled closing the door leaving Rebekah alone with a bright smile.

End Of Flashback

"Little moon, are you alright?" Klaus asked hanging up the phone becoming concerned. "I'm quite alright. Just a bit tired." She frowned laying her head down against Klaus' lap. He brushed her hair out of her face leaning down to give her a peck on the lips. "Get some rest. I'll be right here when you wake up." She gave him a slight nod quickly falling into a small slumber.


Rebekah had taken Caroline's phone and decided to call Tyler. "I told you I don't want to talk." He retorted. "I heard. You're keeping all that rage bottled up inside. Caroline's worried sick about you." Rebekah said into the phone. "Rebekah?" Tyler said confused. "Hello, Tyler. I heard my brother made a real mess of your life. Believe me, I can relate. You have my condolences. In fact, why don't you come down to the high school right now so you can accept them right now in person?"    "And why would I do that?" He scoffed. "Because I have your girlfriend. Maybe you have a better shot at saving her than you did your mother. Bye now." She hung up.

"Sister. Well, look at this. You're even worse than Klaus." He grinned. It was Kol Mikaelson. "Kol. Finally. Did you bring what I asked for?" Kol pushed a man into the Library. It just so happened to be Shane the man who's been helping Bonnie with her magic. "You must be Shane." She grinned.

While Rebekah taunted the others' Luna woke up and she and Klaus paid Damon and Jeremy a little visit. They had turned a few people into vampires and Klaus compelled them to attack Jeremy. After a while, they went back to Mystic Falls. Rebekah shortly called them back. "You wanna hear this," Rebekah said not letting Klaus or Luna get a word out. "Damon makes me happy," Elena said simply. "Make you happy? Clowns make you happy, Elena. Dig a little deeper." She urged. "When I'm with feels unpredictable, I'm free." Elena confessed. "And how do you feel when you're with Stefan?" Rebekah asked. "Lately, I feel like I'm a project like I'm a problem that needs to be fixed. I think I make him sad. And I can't be with someone like that because...when he looks at me, all he sees is a broken toy."

"Do you still love Stefan?" Rebekah kept urging Elena to answer. "Yes." She nodded. "Are you in love with Stefan?" Elena bit her lip attempting to not respond. "No." Everyone stood quiet for a moment even Klaus and Luna. Just then Tyler barged in. "Ah good, you're here. It was just getting depressing." She broke the silence. Klaus took the phone and put it up to his ear while standing up.

"Don't be so glum Stefan. I already know how you've grown to have feelings for my Luna." I'm said smugly. Luna crossed her legs and set her arm underneath her head becoming more amused by the second. "Rebekah, sweetheart." He signaled her. "Do you think of Luna as more of a friend? If you do, how so?" Rebekah asked.

"Yes. I thought Elena and I were over. I was attracted to her the moment she walked through the front door. That was until I found out she was just a bad as a Mikaelson." Klaus grew a bit jealous. He knew he didn't deserve Luna as it was. "Rebekah. Compel Tyler Lockwood to turn and to kill every last one of them." Klaus gritted through his teeth before hanging up.

"Righty then, Listen to the rules carefully. Stay in the building no vamp-running in the hallway." Rebekah turned around to face Tyler. "Turn." She compelled. "He can't he'll lose control," Caroline warned her. "That's the whole point. I've exhausted all your knowledge. Now I have a professor to help me find the cure your just competition. Whoever finds it first gets to decide what to do with it; use it, share it, destroy it, save it...I want that to be me."

"But if I turn. I kill them." Tyler understood. "Yes, you will. Turn. Nik never wanted the cure for you, Elena. He agreed to give it to me." Rebekah walked out.

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