Chapter 7: Mortal Coil

Start from the beginning

Sneaking over to the wall of the warehouse, Izuku watched with satisfaction as his squad professionally stacked up against the wall nearest to the door in a textbook breaching formation.

Getting into place at the end of the stack, Izuku lightly patted the shoulder of the person in front of him twice, signalling he was ready. The action was repeated down the line of agents to show that everyone was now ready to begin.

As he waited for the signal to start, Izuku glanced around at the nearby street.

To those without night-vision, it would be almost impossible to see what was outside due to the darkness and rain.

But that was exactly the way the Ministry of Defense wanted it.

Thanks to his night vision, Izuku watched as the limp bodies of the exterior criminal guards were dragged out of the way and dozens of agents clad in body armor and gas masks took up positions around the warehouse.

Suddenly his earpiece crackled to life once more.

"Command to Bravo One, you are cleared for entry, over"

"Copy." Izuku replied softly as he switched to his squad's frequency.

"Time to get to work Bravo team." Izuku said. "Remember to check your corners. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. I want this done by the books."

Izuku could see each of his subordinates nod as they readied themselves. For simplicity's sake they were all talking to each other under their callsigns. Izuku was Bravo One, and the rest of his squad were referred to as Bravo Two through Eight.

Bravo Eight, who was at the front of the stack, pulled out a handheld lock-breaking drill and quickly made a hole in the lock of the steel entrance door. Quickly pulling the door open, Bravo Eight stepped inside the dark warehouse and was swiftly followed by the rest of his squad.

Now inside the warehouse, Izuku watched as his squad split up into pairs and slowly began creeping down their assigned routes.

Normally a squad would stay together and clear the building as a single unit, but because of the size of the warehouse and the need to search it quickly it was agreed for the squad to pair up and spread out.

Izuku nodded to Bravo Two, a tall and lean woman with an extra set of shark teeth, and took the lead.

Slowly and silently walking down a nearby hallway, Izuku and Bravo Two began searching rooms.

The first three doors in the hallway only revealed storage rooms stacked full of boxes, but upon approaching the fourth door Izuku heard panicked whispers emanating from inside. Holding up a fist to signal Bravo Two to stop, Izuku crept up to the office door and listened.

"What the fuck is going on?!" A male voice whispered with a hint of fear. "First the power went out and now I can't get a hold of any of the guys outside!"

"I dunno man." A slightly rougher male voice replied quietly. "First I thought it was the cops, but they don't pull sneaky shit like this. It ain't any heroes either, cuz they would just bust in during the day."

Reaching out, Izuku gently grabbed the door handle and slowly pushed the door open.

Peeking inside, Izuku could see two men huddled behind an overturned desk wielding small handguns.

"Who's there?!" One of the men called out quietly, squinting as he tried to peer into the darkness.

Leaning against the door frame, Izuku aimed his gun and pulled the trigger four times. With a sound barely louder than a quiet cough, the bullets tore through the goons' heads and sent their brain matter splattering against the wall behind them.

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