10. Baby, This Is Paradise

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"Jaime?" I shout throughout the house getting nothing in response.

I quickly go up stairs to our bedroom and see an outfit laying on the bed with yet another note lying next to it.

Thought you'd look great in this, get dressed and meet me outside when you're done.


I place the note back on the bed and pick up the outfit along with other accessories he added along with it.

I slip into the black skinny jeans, then into the glittery gold strapless top, it was fitting around my breasts and torso then flowed out around my waist, lastly I placed my feet into the black stilettos that were placed by the bed in accompany to the outfit.

I retreat to the bathroom to freshen up my makeup and run a straightener through my hair quickly making my natural curls instantly tamed and groomed away.

I walk to the full body mirror by the closet and take in a breath straightening out my top before turning to the bed and grabbing the black leather jack that was left to complete the look.

I finally turn off the lights and go outside to meet Jaime.

I walk outside and immediately spot Jaime standing in the driveway with a single red rose in hand. I smile and shake my head, running a hand over my hair to keep the wind from blowing it in my face.

"Well hey there pretty lady." He says pulling me into his arms for a tight hug.

I bury my head into his chest and take in his intoxicating scent then look up at his brown eyes.

"You look amazing in that." He says pulling away from me.

That's when I finally take in his appearance.

He's dressed head to toe, a white dress up shirt with a black suit coat, a tie hung loosely around his neck, and black skinny jeans finished off with some black vans tied onto his feet.

"My clothing designer picked it out." I say with a giggle.

"Well they did great." He laughs.

"So why am I meeting you outside?" I ask suddenly curious.

"Because I have a birthday present for you." He says shoving his hands in his pockets.

"You've done enough today, what else could there possibly be?" I ask crossing my arms.

"There's never enough for you darling."

"Close your eyes." He says getting in front of me.

I do as I'm told and I feel him turn me around to face a specific direction then hear the garage door begin to open.

"Okay, open."

When I open my eyes I can't help but feel tears fill my eyes. Parked in the garage was a black Lexus, shiny and new.

"You like it?" I hear Jaime ask, breaking my trance.

"Like it? I love it!" I say jumping onto him, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck.

I hear him laugh as he grabs onto me tightly before setting me back down on the ground.

"Here, these are yours." He says handing me the keys.

"It's under my name right now but Monday we can go back to the dealership and get it switched to your name." I hear him say, but my mind was too concentrated on the beauty on wheels in front of me.

I simply nod to his statement and walk over to the car and run my hand across the hood of it, taking in the beauty.

"It's a 2013 Lexus Sedan, I got black because I think black is cool." He says as a matter of fact which makes me giggle.

Then There's Faith In Love (Jaime Preciado Fanfic) *Book One*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin