Chapter 2

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The Nine Heavens

     Heavenly Lord had called The Fox Emperor and his second son High god Bai Yi to have a discussion about their marriage alliance with High goddessBai Qian and Yehua the crown prince. Hao de/Heavenly Lord felt that the marriage between them isn't as good just with one marriage so he planned on making another one with The Fox Emperor's only granddaughter. He wanted the future Queen of Qing que to marry into heaven but to who? He had a person in mind but if that man didn't want to marry her then Hao de would.

     "I have called you here Bai Zhi and Bai Yi to talk about our alliance. But before we I continue I would like to wait for Dijun." They didn't respond but just nodded back. Bai Zhi was confused on why he would want to talk about the marriage between his daughter and the crown prince and was hoping that he would not want to cancel the wedding. The wedding was in about a month  and to cancel it now? He was not having it. His daughter loves Yehua and he loves her too! He could not bare see his only daughter heartbroken. On the other hand Bai Yi was pretty calm and was not thinking much. He also didn't understand why he had to go but he didn't complain.

"Dong Hua Dijun has arrived!" Was announced and Bai Yi and Bai Zhi stood and greeted him but he did a hand gesture to tell them to sit and they all sat down. "Dijun I liked to ask you a favor." Dong Hua just nodded and proceed to drink his tea "I know that our alliance with Qing que by marrying Yehua to Bai Qian is already here, but I don't feel like it's good enough." Dong Hua turned a bit were from Hao de point of view you could see his profile and the rock replied with a "Oh?" I mean typical Dong Hua. Bai Zhi then asked "What would you like to do then?" Hao de took a deep breath and said "I like to marry your only granddaughter into the heaven clan." And a hush fell over then room.

     Both Bai Zhi and his son looked at eachother so surprised with the request and Bai Yi cleared his throat "And who would you think suits my daughter Your majesty?" And after a little few more minutes of silence Hao de responsed " I have thought about this for a while and I feel like someone who best suits your daughter is none other then Dijun himself.". Dong Hua was quite shocked with what Hao de said and he thought about what if he actually did marry the young beauty. He heard that she is known for how beautiful she was and how mischievous she was as well and all the troubles she liked to cause. But she was also very kind but bold and she did have a temper like her father but not as bad as him. For some reason he had felt something in him that he didn't mind marrying her! He actually liked the thought of marry her but he felt it was strange because they never met before... Or had they? Then Hao de continued "But if Dijun does not like this idea of marrying her then I will myself." And the room continued to stay silent. Bai Zhi and his son were trying to process what they have been asked by the Heavenly Lord.

     To be honest almost everyone in the world hated Hao de, he was selfish, lazy, and just stupid and nobody knew why he was the Heavenly lord and many wished that Yehua would be in his place but it won't happen in along time some thought so both men prayed that Dijun would marry Fengjiu.  "What do you say Bai Zhi? I also heard that you are trying to marry your daughter off so why not make a decision?" And both of the men just looked at eachother and Bai Yi didn't know what to say so he just nodded and basically agreeing with the Heavenly Lord and Bai Zhi thought for a few moments. He knew that Fengjiu would be protected and safe in heaven and not only that it could help heaven and Qing que be stronger allies, so he turned to the Heavenly Lord "Me and my son do agree with you Tianjun but who will my granddaughter marry?" Hao de then called out Dong Hua but he was silent so he said "I will marry your granddaughter the-" but he was shortly interrupted by Dong Hua "You didn't give me a chance to respond Hao de... I will marry Bai Fengjiu.".

     Tianjun, The Fox Emperor, and Bai Yi mouths drop to the floor with what Dong Hua said they pretty much just feel all these sorts of emotions such as shock, and confused but they all knew that when it came to marriage he wouldn't joke about it "Well then it's settled... Dijun will marry the Princess of Qing que." And with that everyone left and went back home.

The Fox Den

     Fengjiu and Ali the son of Yehua and Bai Qian were playing around in the garden. Well it was just mostly Ali who was. Fengjiu was just laying in a tree still in her own world while Ali was chasing the butterflies "Fengjiu Jie jie come play with me!!" He shouted out but she didn't say anything and continued to be in her own world. Ali got sick of his Jie Jie ignoring him so he decided to climb up the tree all by himself to get her attention but he was actually kinda scared to but did it anyways.

     As he was climbing up Fengjiu could feel the tree moving a bit and she looked down to see that Ali was gonna step on a little branch and he would fall "ALI!" She shouted but it was to late and he had already step on the branch and screamed. Fengjiu jumped off the tree and came just in time to catch him "Ali! What where you thinking?! You could have got hurt or even worse!!" She slowly put him down and he started to tear up a bit from being scolded by his Jie Jie. Never ever has she ever yelled at him " I am sorry Jie Jie you were ignoring me and I was getting frustrated... I am sorry!" He wrapped his tiny arms around her legs and cried. Fengjiu could feel his tears and felt bad for ignoring him and yelling at him "No Ali it's my fault I shouldn't have ignored you or yelled... forgive me..." she whispered and got in her knees and hugged him "I forgive Jie Jie! I love you!" He said and she wiped his tears "I love you too".

     She then got Ali to fall asleep and took him to his room to rest so she tucked him in and kissed his little forehead and left his room. She then returned to her study to go read some scrolls her Gugu wants her to read.

     Bai Qian was sitting at the pavilion reading mortal stories and drinking tea until she saw her father and second brother. "Father? Second Brother? Your are back already?" She then stood up and walked over to them "Well tell me what happened?" She ask then they told her it was better for her to sit down to tell her the news. Bai Zhi then said "Tianjun thought that our alliance was not good enough so he..." he paused for a moment then continued "He wants to marry Xiaojiu into the Heaven Clan." Bai Qians eyes widen "He didn't listen!?" And they gave her a questioning look "Yehua told me about this but he said that he talked him out of it?!!" They turned to her immediately "Sister you knew about this!!?" Bai Yi yelled and jumped out of his seat "Well yeah Yehua told me when he was here a few minutes ago before you guys came back and why are you acting so dramatic? It's not like you said yes..." Then takes a sip of her tea "Qian Qian we did say... yes." All the tea in her mouth flew out and got all over Bai Yi "WHAT?!" She immediately jumped out of her seat looking at the both of them in complete shock. "SISTER! quiet down!" Bai Yi shouted quietly as he took out a handkerchief and swiped the tea off "Well who will she marry then?" She replied quietly and both of the men sighed and told her to get Fengjiu so they can tell her as well.

     "Father? Grandfather? What's the matter how was your meeting?" Fengjiu was confused with all their face expressions because they all looked upset "Well Xiaojiu... we are marrying you into the Heaven clan." Bai Yi whispered. Fengjiu stood up immediately and yelled "WHAT?!" YOU KNOW I DON'T WANT TO MARRY JUST YET!! I AM ONLY 32,000 YEARS OLD? I DON'T WANT TO AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!" Bai Yi felt bad because he knew she was not ready but he didn't say anything and looked away "Xiaojiu listen.." she interrupted her Grandfather "Who will I marry?" Tears began streaming down her face but she tried hold them back but it was to hard for her to do that "You will be marrying... Dong Hua Dijun." And it had went silent.

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