Chapter 4

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Tai Chen Palace

      Dijun walked into his study and sat at his table and started to think about what happened earlier. He remembers how soft her face felt and how tiny she looked. She had dark dow eyes that sparkled and long dark hair. And her birthmark that was in the middle of her forehead was a bright red phoenix flower. The image of her was stuck in his head and felt happy about it. He kept thinking why was he feeling like this when he thought of her? What was this feeling of his heart beating fast and butterflies in his stomach? 

      His thoughts were interrupted when Zholing Li announced that the Third Prince had arrived "Ah! Dijun I heard some news!" And took a seat in front of him but he didn't respond. " I heard that you are getting married?! I can't help but wonder who the lucky lady is?" And Dong Hua chuckled and said "Just wait and see..." and he left Lian Song alone in his Study and went to his bed chambers.

Qing Que

     Fengjiu returned home and saw her Gugu and Yehua sitting at a stone table drinking tea and tried sneaking past them but was caught. "Xiaojiu what is wrong with you lately?"  Qian Qian walked over to her and noticed the scent coming off her "Nothing I am just uh- Gugu? What are you doing?" She asks slowly, backing away "Xiaojiu! You smell of… sandalwood! Did you meet him?" 

     And Fengjiu realized what she was talking about. The smell of sandalwood was coming off her and she began to panic "Qian Qian what is the matter? And what do you mean?" Yehua got closer to them and froze when he smelled sandalwood "Wait listen! I was going for a walk and I wasn't paying attention and I fell into a snake pit! And Dijun happened to be there and we met and talked and he left and-" But got interrupted "Wait? YOU MET HIM? Was he cold? Was he nice to you? DID HE HURT YOU?" Obviously only one of those was strangely true "Ayo! Gugu I am fine he didn't do anything to me and weird enough he was really nice and said he looks forward in to seeing me in the future and called me beautiful-" and she covered her mouth realizing she should not said that last part "I mean uh-" Yehua and Qian Qian turn to look at eachother shocked and this gave Fengjiu the opportunity to escape to her room. 

      When she reached her room she closed and locked it and leaned onto the door. "Did all of that really happen? Is this a dream" and then lightly pinch herself and felt pain "Oh no it's not a dream!"

     The news of Dong Hua Dijun, the former master of the universe and the Future Queen of Qing Que Bai Fengjiu marriage had spread quickly and everyone was shocked. Dijun was older than time and cold hearted and Fengjiu was young and beautiful yet very mischievous so how could this be a happy marriage?

Tai Chen Palace

      Dong Hua was taking a stroll around his garden thinking about political matters and his Xiaobai. He was missing her quite a bit and wanted to see her even though he just met her but something about her was off. Her scent felt familiar. It reminded him of his little fox from the past and somebody from his mortal trial… Could it be that she was there? No… How would that be possible? After a while of thinking he made a decision that he was gonna go see her.

Qing Que 

      Fengjiu was asleep. She was curled up into a little ball with a big blanket over her head. It was early in the morning and it felt nice to sleep in until Migu came in. "Your highness I am sorry to disturb your sleep but um." He then paused "What is it? Is it more important than my sleep?" She mumbled and obviously sounded tired and annoyed. 

     "Dong Hua Dijun requested to see you…" 

     Her eyes flung wide open and she got up "W-what? Why is he here so early? Did he say anything?" Migu shook his head "No your highness he just asked to see you." She sighed "Fine… Tell him I will be out in a bit." And Migu left. She rushed over to her closet to find an outfit and picked out a simple red robe and kept her hair half up half down and wore a red hair piece.

     She came out and saw Dijun sitting at a stone table and drinking tea. She walked over and greeted him "Bai Fengjiu greets Dijun" she bows and looks down. Dong Hua looked up at her and was memorized by her beauty "She really looks gorgeous in red" he thought to himself and smiled "Sit" was all he said. She then took a seat in front of him and they both just sat there in awkward silence until she interrupted "May I ask what brings Dijun here to Qing Que?" She said with a serious but questioning tone. He looked up at her and studied her face for a while "I have come to see you." Dijun answered and took a sip of his tea. Fengjiu started freaking out "Is he mad at me for my behavior from yesterday? Aiyo Fengjiu! What have you gotten yourself into now! No one can save you!" Dong Hua read her thoughts and smiled "Why would I be mad at you? You were just afraid… I came to ask you something." She looked up at him "May I ask what that could be?" She questioned but he didn't answer and he just drank his tea and stared at her.

      After some time he finally finished his tea and got up from his seat "It's nice today… Come take a stroll with me." And she nodded. They walked out of the den and walked around until they made their way to a lake and stopped to admire it. This lake was Fengjius' favorite lake because she would always swim around and play nearby on nice days like this one. "How do you feel about… This alliance between us?" Fengjiu sighed ''To be honest with you I don't care who I have to marry anymore. My Father always pressured me into marrying but I never listened but since this is an alliance..." She paused but didn't finish the rest of her sentence and he nodded "Look Dijun… if you don't wanna marry me just tell that to The Heavenly Lord-" He put his index finger on her lips and whispered "Ah! Who said I didn't wanna marry you? How about you come to my Palace and get used to the Tai Chen Palace? You are soon gonna be a Dihou." And he stared at her but slowly moved his finger "You don't mind marrying me? Are you sure?" She whispered "Of course why? What's wrong, do you not like that idea?" He frowned a bit "No no! I mean… I don't mind…" He smiled and was satisfied with her response "Alright it's settled I will come pick you up in a few days and you will stay at the Tai Chen Palace." Her eyes then widened "Wait I didn't agree to that!" But he had disappeared "Ugh! This man will be the death of me! He didn't even say goodbye" She thought with anger and turned back and left to the den. 

Tai Chen Palace 

     Dijun asked Zhong Li to come to his study because he wanted to make some arrangements with the Palace. This was somewhat new to Zholing Li because ever since Dong Hua came back from his mortal trial and after the engagement between him and the Princess of Qing Que he was very strange but didn't dare question. "Zholing Li, I would like you to prepare an extra bed chamber close to mine." Zhong Li's eyes widened and Dong Hua could sense his reaction and laugh quietly to himself "Make it… Pink and with pink, white, and purple Lotus decorated around the room with a desk as well. Also make a walk in the closet and I will do the rest." Then Dong Hua turned to look at Zhong Li and saw his eyes that looked like they were gonna fall out. He then realized that the cold god was looking at him "Uh yes Dijun" he bowed and left.

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