Chapter 0: A Realization Under Lunala's Sky

Comenzar desde el principio

"Ahh, I don't underst-OUCH!" My head plops on the rooftop of Professor Kukui's house. For some reason, I thought it was a good idea to look at the stars from up here...

"You alright up there, kiddo?" I could hear the same professor's voice ask, concerned. He was poking his head out from the rooftop window: the same window used to get up here. "That sounded painful."

"It was, but I'll be fine." I shrugged off the pain and sat up again. "Hey Professor, can we... go for a walk?"

"Sure Ash, but don't Bounce off the roof like your Ninja Frog did a bit ago. Come back in safely." His head went back inside, followed by the entirety of myself.


The walk on the sandy beach was very silent, aside from the waves hitting our feet. I left Pikachu and all the other Pokémon behind, because I don't think I could break this quietness unless I did. Once we were far enough away from the house, I stopped moving and spoke up.

"Hey, Professor... I think something's wrong with me..."

"What do you mean, Ash?" The man walked forward a bit more before facing me. "You look perfectly fin-"

"I don't mean physically... I think..." I turned to face the ocean again, the waves splashing on my ankles just a bit. "I mean... I do feel something go BUMBAM in my chest a lot and my mind... all my thoughts just go like WOOOSH and KABAM, replaced with something I can't stop thinking about..." I could feel my face go red again. Why?

"Ash, that's a perfectly normal feeling to what you're going though." I could feel him turning me to face his direction again. "I know this, because I felt it, too. I still do, sometimes."

A few tears fell from my face, unwanted confusion being a bother. "Then what is this feeling?!"

My father figure cupped his hands on my cheeks and bent down to my level, making sure I could see his smile. "That, Ash, is part of the feeling called Love."

"Love...?" I still felt confused, but somewhat relived he seems to know what I'm talking about.

"I can see you're still confused. I'm not surprised." A small chuckle came from him.

"Hey! This is serious!"

"Sorry. Let me ask you something. This something you can't stop thinking about... is it actually someone?" I quickly try and hide my face from him, suddenly feeling it go all red again. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Professor!" I'm completely sure my face is now as red as a Tamato Barry.

"Anyway," he turned me back to the direction of the ocean, a small breeze now coming by, "I'm going to explain Love in the most Simple way I can, so I don't Confuse you anymore then you actually are." He took a deep breath. "I know you have a big heart and care about every person and Pokémon you meet. Think of your friends and how much they mean to you, then think of that someone. The feeling is a bit more extreme, right?"

Take an Extra Step, GOH the Extra Mile (The Crowning Finish)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora