Chapter 8

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Katsuki POV

(Before Toga was defeated)

Damn. I still have to tell Icy-Hot what that bitch Toga's plan is but I can't because we are fighting Dabi right now. "Watch out Icy-Hot!" I said. Just as Dabi was about to throw his fire in Icy-Hot's direction, he dodged. "Thank you Bakugo" He said. I "tsked" in response. I threw a large explosion at Dabi and he dodged. "Icy-Hot! I know Toga's plan" I said. "Ok what is it?" He said. "When Burnt Chicken over there was talking he called Vampire Bitch her Majesty. So I think she is trying to get Deku to be her mate because he's the king. If they were to mate it would automatically mean she is Queen" I explained. "Oh of course. That makes a lot of sense" He said in his usual monotone. We keep fighting Burnt Chicken for a while until suddenly we felt a huge wave of bloodlust.

I looked over at Icy-Hot and he looked fearful for once in his life. I mean fuck! He never shows emotions. I looked up at Burnt Chicken and he looked fearful too. Soon the bloodlust was gone and we could move once again. The fighting resumed and we started to overpower Dabi. Suddenly we hear a ear piercing scream. Soon after Burnt Chicken fell to the ground. After a couple of seconds he got back up again. "Look. I don't want any trouble. Toga was controlling the entire League so what I did was not in my control. I would probably be dead right now if it was under any other circumstances. You guys are just lucky Toga didn't have enough energy to control All For One" He said. "Where do you think your going?" I said. "I'm leaving before the King comes and kills me" He said. And with that he walked away. "You don't think that scream was Toga do you?" Icy-Hot asked. "Oh I KNOW it was her" I said.

Denki POV

I look at my boyfriends and get sad. One just dismembered one of his former friends/family members. And Kiri was stabbed. I just hope they both will be ok. "Hey Babe, do you think we can teleport to our friends so we can get everyone and get Kiri to a hospital?" I asked hesitantly. Izu looked up and nodded. He grabbed Kiri carefully and licked where his wound was to close it then grabbed my hand and we teleported. Once the bright light vanished, I saw that we were by Bakugo and Todoroki. "Hey guys. What's up I said." They looked over at us and looked surprised but surprise turned into worry once they saw Kiri. "What's wrong with Shitty Hair, Dunce Face" Bakugo asked me. I was about to say something when Izu started talking. "I was fighting with Toga and I wasn't paying attention. Kirishima jumped in front of me taking the knife for me. It somehow managed to get to one of the non-hardened parts of his body and he got stabbed." He said sadly. "So that's why we felt some bloodlust earlier" Todoroki said.

I was about to tell him to not talk about it when "Yeah I figured everyone on the battlefield felt it but, I wasn't sure" He said. He sounded really worried. "Let's get Kiri to a hospital" I said. When I said that Izu perked up a little bit. "It's my fault that you got hurt. I'm sorry Kirishima. I'm no good as a mate" He said sadly. "Um Deku you know we can hear you right?" Bakugo asked. "Huh? Oh. I didn't think anyone heard me" He said glumly. "It's not your fault that Kirishima got hurt. He jumped in front of the knife knowing full well what might happen" Todoroki said. "Yeah Deku. It's not your fault. It's Shitty Hair's dumbass move to jump in front of a knife. You aren't a bad mate so stop beating yourself up" Bakugo said. "Yes. I agree with Todoroki and Bakugo. Now let's get Kiri to a hospital" I said. He nodded.

Time Skip: Hospital

Deku POV

I just got to the hospital with Bakugo, Todoroki and Denki. We rushed in and told the nurses what happened. All three of us are currently sitting in a hospital room waiting for Eijiro to wake up. I went to check on the other groups to make sure they were fine. Nothing but minor cuts and bruises. I teleported them all home so that they wouldn't be stranded while waiting for us. I had to have a little bit of Denki's blood since I used my powers so much. Everyone is currently asleep. They all deserve some rest after what went down today. I still can't help but think that what happened to Eijiro is my fault. If I didn't bring him with me then this would never have happened. Suddenly I feel a hand on my arm. I look up and see Eijiro looking at me with a smile. "Eijiro!" I said. "Woah! Since when did you start using my first name?" He asked with a light chuckle. "I started using it after you almost died" I replied.

We continued to talk for a little bit until the others woke up. "Hey babe" Denki said. "Hey. But look who's awake" I said. He looked around and was about to say something when he saw Eijiro. "Kiri! Your awake!" He said happily. That got the others attention. "Shitty Hair!" Bakugo said. "Hey Bakubro" Eijiro said. Todoroki just let out a sigh of relief. "I swear to fucking go you better not pull a stupid stunt like that again or I will fucking murder you myself" Bakugo said to his best friend. "Yeah sorry about that bro" He said sheepishly. "You scared me and Denki half to death you stupid jerk! Your lucky I'm a vampire and was able to close your wound. Otherwise I have no clue what would have happened" I said. "I admit it wasn't the smartest move but it was manly as hell!" He said. I rolled my eyes but I was so happy to see him awake again. Now I just need them to accept my offer.....

To be continued...

Flare: Yay! Chapter 8 is done!

Deku: Good job Flare! But isn't the story coming to a end soon?

Flare: Sadly yes it is

Deku: Aww why can't you continue it forever

Bakugo: Because she would run out of ideas eventually you dumbass

Deku: Kacchan! When did you get here!?

Bakugo: I literally got here a minute ago. Are you blind or some shit?

Deku: What? No! I'm not blind!

Flare: Ok boys get a room I swear

Bakugo and Deku: WHAT DID YOU SAY?

Flare: You heard me *smirks*

Bakugo: Don't smirk you dumbass

Deku: Yes please don't smirk. It's terrifying.

??: Midoriya! Bakugo! Please refrain from leaving your hero duties in the middle of-


Deku: Stop calling my friends names

Flare: I'm just going to end it. Thanks for reading this chapter! There is most likely two more to go! Thanks for everyone who has been supporting me throughout this story! See you next time.

Bakugo: Later extras!

Deku: Stop calling people extras Kacchan! What he means to say is; Go Beyond...


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