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Today I'm doing a special part just for my bb Katsuki🥰 Sooooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATSUKI BAKUGO!!!!!❤️❤️

This is not canon with the story. Enjoy!

Katsuki POV
Today was my birthday. I bet the extras are planning something. They wouldn't let me in the dorms all day! I've been stuck training with IcyHot for some reason. "What the fuck is going on in the dorms! I swear to fucking god you better tell me you IcyHot Bastard!!" I screamed. "Sorry Bakugo I can't tell you otherwise it will spoil the surprise" he said. Damn! I was hoping he would tell me SOMETHING at least but nOo he can't.

Mina POV
We were setting everything up for Bakugo's party and it was looking splendid if I do say so myself. "Hey Sato! How is the cake coming along?" I ask. "Um it's almost done!" He said. "Great thanks!" I said. "Sensei did you come here to help us, or just to sleep?" I ask. "I came to do both!" He said. I sighed. "Ura! Did you get Izu ready??" I ask. "Oh yeah Mina I have his costume here ready to go!" She said excitedly. "Our ship is gonna finally sail!" I said. "Yes there is no way Bakugo will be able to resist Deku after he sees him. Especially with what we have planned for him." Ura said mischievously. "I like the way you think girl!" I said smiling. "Mina everything is in place we just need Midoribro to get ready and Bakubro to show up!" Kirishima said. "Thanks Kiri! This is gonna be the best party ever!" I screamed.

Deku POV
I was about to go out and do some training with One For All then I got attacked by the girls! They drag me to Ochaco's room and I started to get worried because I know they have something planned for me. Today was Kacchans birthday and we have spent all day setting everything up and getting ready. I even made his favourite Spicy Curry! Once I reach Ochaco's dorm and open the door to see

A MAID OUTFIT!!!! "This is what you will be wearing Deku!" Kaminari said. "Um Ochaco isn't this a little unnecessary?" I question. "Nothing is unnecessary in the ways of love!" She said. "I still don't know why I have to wear this" I said. "Thank you for asking! We shall tell you! Basically you are going to be trying to seduce Bakugo by wearing this sexy costume! Also your gonna be 'serving him' as well" Mina said. "Wait WHAT?!" I screamed. "You heard us man!" Kirishima said. "Oh Mina you need to leave to get the rest of the party done!" Jiro said. "Thanks Kyoka!" Mina said. Well I guess this could be worse. I did say I needed help to get Kacchan to notice me although I did NOT have this in mind. Maybe I won't die today. "Ok guys since I have no way of getting out of this at least help me get into this" I said. "Wait your actually accepting to do this?!" Everyone said shocked. "Yeah well I thought about it and realized I can either risk dying or I could possibly get noticed by him so I'm going for it! Plus Ultra I guess" I said nervously. "Yes! I knew you would see it that way! Thanks Izu!" Ochaco said. "Your welcome I guess" I said laughing. So then I started getting dressed. The girls helped me and kicked the boys out because they didn't want anyone to give Kacchan a heads up. Sho was gone keeping Kacchan distracted which I'm grateful for. After about 20 minutes I was finally dressed. I had a cute maid outfit on. It was green and white with a head piece to top it off. The girls made me wear fishnet stockings with it too.

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