Chapter 7

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Izuku POV
It was finally happening. The day where I finally take down Toga for good. I knew she wouldn't go down without a fight. Luckily she will be tired already for controlling multiple people at once. I just hope our plan works....

So here's the plan.

I started to tell Katsuki, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Aizawa, Midnight, Present Mic and Sero my plan to take down Toga. "So here's the deal. All For One is a major threat in this and needs to be taken out  immediately ."  I say with confidence. "Why would the potato looking fuck be a problem?" asked Katsuki. Arrogant as always. I sighed. "Well he is practically the #1 villain out their  so it would only make sense you dumbass" I said. "HAAH??" he said. "What? Are you deaf now? Did your quirk finally get rid of your hearing?"  I said . I saw everyone in the room look at me. Some people were trying not to laugh others were full on laughing. I on the other hand well, I was smirking.

I continued looking at Katsuki as smoke started fuming from his ears. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY  YOU FUCKING SHITTY NERD!?" He shouted at me. I then looked him dead in the eyes and said "You know I could kill you right here, right now if i wanted to correct?" I said with a sly smile. "Damn Izuku you sure are going after him today" Said Kiri. I laughed. "Well? I'm waiting Katsuki." I said. "I-nevermind" he said. "That's what I thought" I said. "Problem child are you going to explain this plan you have in mind to us or no?" Mr.Aizawa asked. I nodded.

Of course I had to forget about the plan but, oh well time to explain. "So when we get to my castle I want Kiri and Kami with me. There is no room for discussion here." I said.  They nodded. "Next I will request to have Midnight come with us because we can use her quirk to knock out Toga once we can get to her. Katsuki, Shoto, and Present Mic you guys will be trying your best to distract the rest of the League and All For One." I said. "Little Listener, how would my quirk be effective against the League let alone All For One." Mic said. "I'm so glad that you asked!" I said. 

I looked at Present Mic and said "Your quirk is quite useful in this situation because not only is it a good distraction, it also can act as protection too" I explained. I saw him nod. "Sero you can go with them too because you could use your tape to tape up the villains that we capture" I said. "Sure Midoribro!" He said enthusiastically. "Oh Aizawa you can also go with Present Mic's group" I said. "I don't get payed enough for this" he grumbled. "I can hear you, you know." I said. "Oh trust me I know" he said. I chuckled.

Flashback Over

Katsuki POV

After Deku finished explaining, I thought about the plan and found that it was actually pretty smart. Not that I would every say anything about it though. Anyway after we went to eat some food before the big fight. I forced everyone that was going to this fight to eat. They need to eat so they don't pass out in the middle of the fight! Hey don't look at me like that! (Stop breaking the fourth wall Katsuki!) After everyone ate, Deku called us into the common room so he could teleport us to his kingdom all at once. "Shit nerd are you ready?" I ask him. "Hell yeah!" he replies with. He makes us grab each others hands and soon we are engulfed in a white light. Once I open my eyes I see black smoke go around everywhere.

And now this is why I'm sitting here fighting back to back with the Icy-Hot Bastard (whom I loathe). After the black smoke disappeared, all the teams that were chosen were together but everyone was split up. The separate groups went and started fighting the enemies that were there. Deku went and took his team directly to the castle to face Toga head on. I still say it's a dumb move.  Me and Icy-Hot were currently fighting a few low class villains when out of nowhere, Dabi showed up! Like what the fuck?! "Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki. How nice of you to join this fight. To bad you won't live through it." Burnt chicken said. "Of course we will live threw this fight!" I said. "No you won't. Not if Her Majesty gets her way" Dabi said in a monotone. What the shit? Her Majesty?? Wait was he talking about Toga? Wait. Is that her plan!? I need to tell Icy-Hot.

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