Chapter 6

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This song has nothing to do with this chapter but it's my new favourite song🤣

Nobody POV
The class saw Midoriya getting angrier by the second. They realized that he wasn't joking around when he said he was the King. "Midoriya please calm down you are not being rational. What is so bad about Toga?" Mr. Aizawa asks. "DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! TOGA IS REALLY DANGEROUS! HER QUIRK ALONE IS BAD BUT WITH HER MIND CONTROL POWERS-" Midoriya is cut off by his cousin.

"Cousin please calm down your scaring your classmates. And for that matter the teachers too" Shindo said. "You're right. Thank you Shindo. I'm sorry everyone give me a minute to collect myself and then I'll explain why Toga is such a bad threat." Midoriya said. The class all let out a sigh of relief as they were not going to die today.

Izuku POV
As I start to calm down I look back at my class and start to explain. "Toga is a threat because she used to try to court me." I said. "WHAT" everyone said. "Yes. This was before I found out I was gay. When I did find out though, Toga was furious and she tried everything in her power to get to me. I banished her as I'm the King and she is now with the League. Shigaraki is terrified of me so he would never pull a stunt like this willingly." I explain. They nod.

I continue to explain "As you know we Vampires have special abilities and one of Toga's was that she can control multiple people at once. So I think she is controlling the League. Now it puts a strain on her the more people she controls. She has a quirk as well it's called Transform. Basically if she ingests someone's blood she can take on the appearance of said person." I said. "Well that sure is interesting" Mr Aizawa said. "Yes and I'm going to request a few students and pros from UA to assist me" I said.

Mr Aizawa nodded. "I would like to request Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Aizawa, Midnight and Present Mic and Sero" I said. The class looked shocked but I didn't care. "Your Highness-" Iida started to say but I cut him off. "Please continue calling me either Izuku or Midoriya" I said. He nodded. "Midoriya what are some of your abilities? It would help us better understand" he asked. "Of course I will just show them to you." I said. "So I'm going to turn into my bat form."

I turned into my bat form and looked at Bakugo. "YOUR THE BAT THAT SAVED ME?!" He screamed. "Yep!" I said. He started grumbling about owing me now and I laughed. "I can use telekinesis, teleportation, mind reading, super speed as well as super strength." I said. "You have a lot of abilities Midoriya" Todoroki said. "I know" I respond. I decided to teleport to my home and see how bad it was. When I got there I was shocked and pissed.

3 person POV
The class saw Midoriya vanish and then a few minutes later he comes back and he is fuming. "W-what's wrong D-Deku?" Uraraka asks unsure. "I'm perfectly fine" he said. The class looked absolutely terrified of there classmate. "Midoriya would you please tell us what happened?" Mr. Aizawa asked. "Toga that little bitch is trying to take my castle and she destroyed my parents graves" Midoriya responded with. "O-oh we a-are s-sorry about t-that" said Uraraka. Kirishima and Kaminari the only two brave enough to approach the seething Vampire King. "Hey babe we know your angry but, do you think you could calm down a little bit?" Kaminari asked.

"Sorry Kami I don't mean to be scary. I'm just so angry that she would reck my parents graves!" He responded angrily.

Katsuki POV
What in the actual fuck was that!? I was actually scared of Deku. DEKU! The fucking nerd that I bullied before. Suddenly I realize that I could be killed right now if Deku wanted to kill me.

"Deku why do you need us to come with you?" I asked hesitantly. "Well I need strong heroes and you and the others I mentioned are strong. I only am bringing Sero and Midnight because there quirks would be helpful." He said. "Thanks Midoriya" Sero said sarcastically. "Sero are you trying to die?!" Raccoon eyes said. "It's fine I'm calm enough now but I do need some blood" he said.

Izuku POV
I looked over at my boyfriends and they came up to me. "Who would you like to drink out of?" Kiri asked me. "I'll drink from you Kiri!" I said.

Blood warning!
As I said this Kirishima pulled his shirt down past his neck and shoulder. My mouth started to water. My eyes turned red and my fangs became longer. I slowly made my way towards Kirishima and licked the spot where I was going to bite. I felt him shiver under me and I smirked. "This will hurt at first ok" I said. He nodded. I lowered my head towards his neck and sank my fangs in. I felt his warm blood flow down the back of my throat and it tasted so much better than I imagined. I felt some of his blood dripping down my chin. It tasted like cinnamon! I reluctantly released him so I wouldn't drain him.

"Are you ok?" I asked him. "Yea just a little light headed is all" he said with a weak grin. I nodded. "We need to make a plan for attack. I will go after Toga personally. I need the rest of you to deal with the League." I said. "So we are just a distraction?!" Katsuki yelled. "No you are getting to fight while I deal with Toga" I said. I heard him mumbling something but decided to ignore him. "I have a feeling All For One will be there as well so I need to get Toga under control before he becomes a problem." I explain. My class looks at me in horror.

"WHAT?!" They all shouted. "Yeah All For One might be there." I said again. "We will do the best we can so you can deal with Toga." Me Aizawa said. "Thank you sir." I also have a proposal for you guys when this is over." I said. "We here's the plan".........

Flare: Haha cliffhanger!

Bakugo: Shitty extra just why

Flare: Because I'm the author and I can do anything I want!

Todoroki: Yeah well you sure took your time doing this chapter

Flare: T-Todoroki I was just um busy! Yeah busy!

Todoroki: Sure you were busy. More like lazy

Flare: Enough out of you! I needed ideas!

Bakugo: So the shitty extra just didn't want to work on her story even though she is preparing another-




*Flare and Bakugo bickering*

Todoroki: Since they are bickering I'll end it. Thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter.

1215 words

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