chapter eight

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*School on Friday*

I was so excited about my date tonight but I couldn't find Aoi to ask for help since I have never been on a date before and I didn't want Hanko to be jealous. I had no other choice but to turn to Kou and we talked during study hall. "Isn't Taishi like super popular" gasp Kou "but what about Hanako". "That's what I don't know, he clearly isn't interested but he seemed so jealous when I got asked out." I rant. "You know how Hanako likes to mess with people," explains Kou, "he's playing hard to get so go out on this date and try to have fun". My face lights up with Kou's reassurance. It's just one date. What's the worst that could happen?

*After school*

I anxiously wait at the door for Taishi to come to pick me. A sudden knock at the door makes me jolt up, I try to hide my excitement. I take a deep breath and open the door, there he is standing there with a grin on his face holding red and white flowers. I get flustered but pulls myself together to politely greet him and pluck the flowers from his hands and we walk to the car. He opens my door and waves me in with a smile, the ride to the restaurant is quiet but short. When we arrive he opens the door for me and holds my hand into the restaurant. It is very fancy and he made reservations, I've never been on a date before. We sit and order drinks, we make awkward conversation about weather and gardening. I notice Hanako's hakujoudai from behind Taishi, I wave my hand at them to shoo them away but accidentally knock over my glass of water. I quickly bend down to clean up the water and see the hakujoudai under the table, "Hanako go away." I whisper shooing them away. "Is everything ok down there?" asks Taishi. "Everythings fine, it's just a bit of water," I say, trying to clean up the spill. I try and avoid touching the water and using a napkin that was left on the table from the server.

I stumble and accidentally place my hand in the puddle of water, "oh no..." I lean up, "Please excuse me, I have to use the restroom." I stand up, flatten my skirt and speed walk to the bathroom. I grab a few paper towels and start drying the scales, I fix my hair in the mirror and see the hakujoudai floating behind me, "go away." I demand slamming my hands on the sink. They spread away but float back to me. I decide to ignore them so I could enjoy my date. I grab my purse off the counter and leave the restroom.

I walk back to my table to see Taishi playing with his food with his left hand supporting his head with his elbow on the table. 'Did I leave him alone for that long?', I hang my purse on the chair and I sit down, "sorry I kept you waiting Taishi." I apologize with a smile, "it's alright, the food came while you were in the restroom so let's hope it didn't get cold."

*next day*

I walk into the bathroom in the morning just to be greeted by Hanako not even an inch away from my face. "Well hello y/n, how was your date?" he asks, looking into my eyes. I move around him and nudge him with my shoulder while I'm passing by, "It would have been a lot better if you weren't spying on me the whole time." I sigh, grabbing the mop from the corner of the room. "No, not today.'' Hanako walked over to me and looked me in the eyes. He snatched the mop out of my hand, "I'm giving you an off day." he grinned and walked back over to the windowsill to where the mokke were "would you like to play cards with me?" he said while shuffling the deck of cards. "What kinda cards are these?" I asked, inspecting the unique designs. He spreads them out in a slick fan-like motion "they're tarot cards darling," he says picking out 2 cards. "Wait aren't I supposed to pick them out?" I said tilting my head, "shhh just let me work," interrupts Hanako, inspecting the cards closely.

I watch him shuffle the cards. "Do you want a reading, y/n?" he said glancing up at me "oh, sure" I say smiling. He began picking a few cards from his deck, "to be honest y/n, I don't know how to do readings" he continues as he lays three cards face down, "I just think they have cool drawings" he suddenly looked up to me with a smile. "okay flip em over!" I flipped the first over, the face of the card revealed a tower, "The tower!" he said happily. I flipped the middle card over, the upside-down card revealed a wheel. "The wheel of fortune! I'm not sure if it being upside-down matters though," he called out. I flipped the last card. Its reversed face revealed two lovers. "Aww the lovers," Hanako cooed. I blushed but felt uneasy, what was that fear in his voice during my reading?

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