Chapter five

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Once we jumped into the portal and into the water dimension, everywhere you could see was just plain water except a path covered in a thin layer of water. everything was all cold, the wind, the water, even my breath felt cold as ice. "Let's start looking," I say positively, "um y/n..." Kou says with a light giggle, "what?" I ask, "your arms are well..." he said, I look down to see scales growing on my four arms, "shoot, I forgot. I didn't realize we were going to be a foot deep in water so I wasn't prepa-" I say as I transform into my fish form. Kou grabs his water bottle opens the lid and puts me in it. "Is this why you brought the bottle?" I say with my fins crossed, "nope, just thirsty," he said sarcastically with a grin.

    We kept on walking till we saw a silhouette sitting on a huge rock. The closer we got we realized it was him, it was Hanako, he was alive(well no duh). "Hanako?" I yell, "well hello y/n, why are you guys here?" he smiled, "to save you?" replied Kou

Hanako licked his fingers and stood up "I don't need saving, what's with the fish?" he smirks. "Very funny Hanako, wait what are you eating," I asked rolling my eyes. "Oh. well... that's not important, we should head home" he says trying to change the subject. "Wait are you eating chicken? IS THAT THE PHEONIX" yells Kou, "I DIDN'T WANT HIS BODY TO GO TO WASTE OK?" he yells back. We keep walking down the path while I stay stuck in the water bottle, "can I borrow y/n for a minute? You can go ahead" Request Hanako holding out his hand with a grin on his face, Kou nods and hands him the water bottle then goes ahead of us. "Hello y/n" he exclaims holding the bottle to his face, I wave back with my fin. We walk for a little when I finally work up the confidence to ask "so about what happened before you left" I mumble. "When I said we should get donuts later?" he asks, "no before you disappeared". "That I love you," he says calmly,  my little fish's heart starts beating fast "y..yeah" I murmured. "What about it," he asks, "well you don't just say things like that randomly" I reply. Before he has a chance to answer we come up to Kou standing in front of the portal, we jump in.

*back at school*

"I should really get going its almost 6 am," says Kou waving and heading out the door. "I should probably get going to-" Hanako grabs my hand and cuts off my sentence, "we should go finish our picnic". Before I have the chance to respond he pulls me out to the yard and sits me down on our blanket from earlier "this is one of my favorite parts of the day, except the night of course" he smiles and sits me down. I sit there confused as to what we were looking for when beautiful colors filled the sky and the sun started rising. Hanako and I gaze at the view, still holding hands. I glance over at him and see the glimmer in his eyes as he stares at the sunrise, he turns his head and looks me in my eyes as a soft smile spreads across his face. I turn back to the view but his eyes stay focused on mine, a few moments later he turns back to the sunrise and squeezes my hand tighter. We never did finish talking about what happened that day but Hanako seemed much more touchy and teased me more.

(a/n: sorry for the short chapter:/ the next one will be longer for sure!)

To the moon and back (Hanako x reader)Where stories live. Discover now