chapter seven

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*on the balcony*

I sat on the ledge of the balcony accompanied by Kou waiting for Hanako so we can eat our lunch. I hear a swoosh then look back excitedly expecting to see Hanako standing there but instead someone else is there, a boy very similar to Hanako stands there, smiling. I could immediately tell it wasn't Hanako although there were many similarities, his patch was black and he was dressed differently, not to mention the expression on his face looked more sinister than admiring as Hanako's does.

"Well hello y/n, I've heard a lot about you" he smirks, I jump from my spot and stand in front of him but keep my distance. Kou quickly stands in front of me in a protective manner, "who are you and what are you doing here?" he asserts. "Why did you never introduce me to your new friends," he grinned, Hanako pops out from behind him with an annoyed expression. The boy starts to walk up to me causing Kou to get more protective "so this must be your girlfriend?" he teases.

"Leave them alone!" insists Hanako, "Hanako who is this guy," I ask. "I can't believe you never told your friends about me" he sighs "I'm Tsukasa, the more attractive twin," I tighten my grip "His twin?!? Since when did Hanako have a twin?? Maybe I don't know him that well." I think to myself. Tsukasa puts his fingers to his forehead and salutes us as he falls back and disappears. "Hanako what was that about," Asks Kou, "family drama you know how it is" he responds shrugging and avoiding the question. He picks up a chip from my lunch and sits down to eat it as if nothing happened. I could tell he didn't want to talk about it but I didn't stop questioning it.

*after school*

I walk into the bathroom expecting Hanako to jump in my face as he usually does, But this time he's sitting at the window. He greets me with a grin and slight wave but then looks back to the window as if he is thinking about something. I started mopping the floors but I couldn't handle the silence "since when did you have a twin" I blurted out. Hanako's head turns quickly, "since I was born I guess" he jokes. I decided not to ask him about it again, I hated seeing him upset.

*The next day in the greenhouse*

Hanko seemed to be back to his cheery self and visited me during gardening club. I enjoy gardening club because that's where I can focus and think. "Why is Hanako so secretive about his twin? Why did Hanako say he loved me but then not act on it? Why is Kou so obsessed with cats?" Although the silence was nice I didn't enjoy being left alone with my thoughts, to my luck Hanako decided to stop in for a surprise visit. "Well hello there y/n!" he exclaims leaning over me. I get startled causing me to drop my watering can, I quickly scramble to pick myself up without touching the water. "Hanako there are people here, what are you doing?" I mumble. "Well visiting you of course!" he teases walking over to the flower beds. He picks up a rose and runs it through his fingers, "you didn't stop by and see me this morning." he sighs and smells the rose. I apologize "Oh yeah sorry, I was running late,". Hanko jumps up and stands over me while I'm still on the ground trying to clean up the water. I

lookup to see him holding out the rose with a smile on his face. He helps me to my feet and puts the flower behind my ear, "I gotta get going see you after school" he waves and disappears. "What did I tell you about using the flowers as hair accessories," chuckles a soft voice behind me.

I turn around to see my teacher Tsuchigomori's nephew, Taishi. "Oh, I just-" I stutter putting my hand to the rose, "I'm just messing with you it looks good," he laughs. I start blushing but quickly look away and bend down to finish cleaning up the water. He bends down at the same time and we bump heads and laugh. I try to hide my blushing by standing up, "I believe these are yours?" he says handing me my shovel and watering can. "Hey I have an extra ticket for a movie on Saturday would you like to come?" he inquired, "That would be nice," I mumble placing my hand behind my head. He smiles and walks away leaving me standing there with a flushed look on my face.

"Who's that idiot?" sighs Hanako standing behind me, scaring me. "Hanako?! How long have you been standing there?" I blurted "Long enough." he breathed "so you're hanging out with this idiot?" Hanako crosses his arms in disbelief "He's not an idiot and it's none of your business" I grunt, turning to put my tools away. He was clearly upset but I didn't understand why because he was the one who said he loved me then didn't act on it. He sighs then disappears again, Taishi is so nice and cute I can't believe he asked me out. But I still worry about Hanako. 

To the moon and back (Hanako x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant