Chapter four

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(a/n: sorry it took forever for us to update, we had school but we are working on the next two chapters right now <3)

I fell to my knees In front of the pile of ashes as my eyes flooded with tears, Kou sat kneeled beside me and rested his hand on my shoulder. "You know he can't die right?" assured Kou, dragging his finger through the ashes. "Yes but that doesn't mean he can't get stuck somewhere and never come back" I sniffed, wiping the tears from my eyes.

I look up at Kou who has a confused look on his face, "we need to get him back, and you're helping. Got it?" I say firmly, "I guess I don't have much of a choice now." Kou said helping me up off the ground, "we need to find Mr. Tsuchigomori, I'm sure he knows what to do or how to get him back." I say as we start walking towards the doors into the school, "he ate a butterfly...that guy freaks me out"

*in his class*

We knock on the door and hear a deep voice coming from inside the room, "come in." I could tell that Kou jumped a bit when he heard him speak. We entered the classroom to see him swerving in his chair smoking his pipe, "well hello there, y/n, Kou." he sets down his pipe and acknowledged my red eyes as if he knew I had been crying, "what happened this time?" he said in a serious tone

We explained what happened, word for word. Just thinking about what happened terrifies me, tears start rolling down my cheeks. "Can you please help us Mr.Tsuchigomori?" Kou pleaded. "No, I can't help you. It's very clear to me that Hanako went into the portal for your guy's safety, he knew that if he fought with you guys around then you could have gotten seriously hurt. He knew what he was doing. But if you guys plan on going into Blaze's dimension I recommend going to my library later and doing some research on him and learn how to open a portal in the first place." he said, grabbing his pipe off his desk. "Thanks for your help sir," Kou said as we left his classroom and started heading to the library, the time was 3:40 and it was nearly time for the 4 O'clock library to open.

The library door slid open and we went in, "where do we start?" Kou asked, "you look through the mythical creatures section and I'll look through the B's." I say pointing to a section in the back. I pulled out 2 books with the name Blaze, I peek around the corner to see Kou piling up at least 15 books which all seem to have 'portal' in the name, "I don't think we need that many Kou." I say walking over to his pile of books, "it's just in case y/n."

We walk back to the bathroom and started reading. "Blaze Fushichou is a fire phoenix that lives in a water dimension, he has never been beaten before and is fluent in Spanish." Kou read from one of the books I picked out, "a water dimension... but why? He's literally fire." He said scratching his head, "Well let's look in these books for a way to open a water dimension."

We tried many different ways to open it but all our attempts were unsuccessful. "How is a flute going to help us?" said Kou sticking his finger into the pipe, "I don't know just play it," I say, turning the page. He began to play but it sounded like a cat screaming, he eventually stopped and realized it wasn't working. There was a little jingle coming from the bathroom door, out peeked Yako the small, sassy, fox. "You two are so loud." she rolls her eyes, "what are you guys trying to do anyway?" she said sitting down in the doorway, "well it's a long story but we are trying to open a portal to the water dimension," I say setting down my book. "foolish mortals, opening portals take a lot of concentration and determination," she said, turning her head, "Yako please, we need to open the portal. Can you help us? Our last option is to ask Tsukasa for help and I don't feel comfortable doing that.'' I say begging for help. "I don't like Tsukasa, he's to cLInGy. So I guess I'll help," she said prancing over to Kou and sitting by his foot.

*later In the bathroom*

Kou stood In the middle of the bathroom jumpIng up and down on one foot with his eyes closed. "This Is stupid" I taunt, "STFU I'm trying to focus" snaps Kou "Is this seriously what we have to do" I turn and ask Yako, "no" she purrs licking her paw. I jump up scaring Kou into losing his balance and falling, "no? What do you mean no!" I was shocked, "I'm just messing with you" she teased "humans are very easy to fool". We sighed, I would be madder but I'm too worried about Hanako. "All you do Is pour this symbol out of the water then pour salt on It and say this" she opens the book with her nose and points to a page "I'll get the water." sighs Kou grabbing a bucket. He carefully pours out the symbol and sprinkles salt on It, while he does this all I can think about Is the last words Hanako spoke to me "I love you too" the words repeat In my head, he must have heard me say his name and he feels the same, my heart fluttered with the thought. My thoughts were cut off by Kou "you ready," he says holding up the lyrics "oh lady of the sea please grant us access to see thee, we wish to enter your land unknown, the glistening waters you call your home" we chant In sync. Suddenly a blue portal opened In front of us blowing wind Into my hair, "wait," says Kou going to his backpack to grab something. He pulls out and holds up a water bottle "ok I'm ready," he says mounting It to his belt, "Kou why do you have a water bottle," I say to bring my hand to my head. "In case I get thirsty" he exclaimed. "We are going TO A WATER DIMENSION" I shout, "Well I don't know If It's saltwater" ranted Kou. "whatever let's just go save Hanako," I argue. He grabs my hand and we both jump In not knowing what to await on our journey.

To the moon and back (Hanako x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt