"You really screwed up this time, shank," Minho said.

Thomas quickly came over and pulled Tony and me away. "Guys, that's enough," he said. "Newt did have a point."

Brenda nodded in agreement and added, "There had to have been two or three dozen guns and Launchers in this section, and now they're all gone. Very recently. In the last hour or so, like Newt said."

"What does that mean?" I asked once I stood beside Minho.

"Guards only come here when they need a replacement or want to use something besides a Launcher. Why would they all need to do that at the same time? Today? And Launchers are so heavy, you can't fire them if you're carrying another weapon, too. Where are the weapons they would have left behind?"

"Maybe they knew something like this might happen, and they didn't want to kill us," Minho tried to explain. "From the looks of it, unless you get it right in the head those Launcher things just stun you for a while. So they all came and got those to use with their regular guns."

Brenda shook her head. "No. It's standard for them to carry Launchers at all times - so it doesn't make sense that they'd all come at once to get a new one. Whatever you think about WICKED, it's not their goal to kill as many people as possible. Even when Cranks break in."

Thomas looked at Tony. "Have Cranks ever broken in here before?"

"A few that I know of," he admitted. "But once they break in, we never heard from them again. It's like they just got up and disappeared."

"Maybe that's what happened," Minho interrupted. "With all those alarms going off, maybe Tony led some Crankolution and got some Cranks to break in to take whatever weapons were here, stunned people, then started eatin' their shuck bodies. Maybe we've only seen a few guards because the rest of 'em are dead!"

Tony tilted his head to the side and gave Minho a look of annoyance. "Yes, because I'm going to lead some Cranks, that has gone so far past Gone, into a facility where they got the one person I'm supposed to watch over," he responded sarcastically. "A bunch of insane Cranks just running around with Launchers, firing at a bunch of random people sounds like a good plan."

"But it would explain a lot," Brenda pointed out. "I'd rather believe that."

"If that's it, our problems are a whole lot worse than we thought," Thomas added.

"Glad to see the guy not immune to the Flare isn't the only one with a brain that still works," we heard. We all turned to see Newt at the door.

Minho sighed in relief before saying, "Next time just explain yourself instead of getting all snippy. I didn't think you'd lose it so fast, but glad you're back. We might need a Crank to sniff out these other Cranks if Tiger decides to kill Tony." Then he smirked. "Tiger's inner tiger came out. She was ready to claw Tony's eyes out."

I heard Thomas wince at the remark. I glanced at Newt to see his reaction, too. He wasn't very happy about it. Newt walked into the room and pulled me away from Minho before he possessively wrapped his arms from behind me.

"You never have known when to shut your hole, have ya, Minho?" he asked. "Always gotta have the bloody last word."

"Shut your shuck face."

Newt slowly lets go of me before making his way to Minho. He stopped right in front of him before he quickly punched him in the face. Minho slammed into the empty weapons rack. Minho glared at Newt before rushing forward and tackled him to the ground.

My eyes widened before Thomas and I ran over to pull the guys apart. Thomas started pulling at Minho's shirt while I grabbed Newt from under his arms and tried to pull him away.

"Stop!" Thomas screamed.

Newt and Minho continued to punch and kick each other. I wrapped my arms around Newt's chest and tried to pull him. Newt elbow came back and was about to connect with my abdomen, but Tony stopped his fist before he got Newt in a chokehold. I heard a loud smacking sound and saw Brenda holding Minho's legs while Thomas got his arms behind him.

"How stupid can you get?" Thomas yelled. "We're running from at least one enemy, maybe two, and you guys are gonna brawl?"

"He started it!" Minho snapped, some spit spraying on Brenda.

"Stop trying to steal my girl from me!" Newt barked back.

"No one's trying to steal her!"

"And you both are idiots!" I shouted.

The boys didn't answer. They kept struggling to get free before eventually giving up. I'm sick of these two fighting already. Newt's slowly slipping already and Minho's acting like a complete slinthead.

Tony released Newt, once he realized that he's not going to be attacking again. Newt rubbed his reddened cheek and said, "It's my fault. Everything's just tickin' me off. You guys figure out what we should do - I need a buggin' break." Then he turned and walked out of the room again.

I let out a breath while running a hand through my hair. I looked at Thomas for the clarification I need. Once he let out a nod, I left the room to follow Newt. I went out into the hall and saw Newt sitting on the ground, his back against the wall. I slowly approached and took a seat next to him.

"Don't say a bloody word," he grumbled.

"I'm not gonna scold you if you think that's why I'm out here," I began. "I - I just wanted to let you know that something weird is going on here. Either WICKED is doing some stupid test on us again or there are some Cranks running around killing people left and right. With that being said...we need to find our friends and get the hell out of here."

Newt slowly nodded. "I know."

"Then help us. I understand that you're frustrated but you can't be sitting out here and pout."

"I know."

My heart ached when Newt didn't respond with anything else. This is the first time where I see no hope in Newt. I scoot closer to him, wrapped my arm around him before leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Nothing's happening between me and Minho," I reassured him. "You know you're the only person I want in this world."

"Don't need to worry your buggin' panties off. I know it's the Flare. I could feel something start in my head because whenever you two are together. I just want to rip his bloody head off and show everyone you're mine." He wrapped his arm around me. "Give me a second like this and I'll be fine. We'll get you guys out of here and then I can deal."

I furrowed my brows and looked up at him. "What do you mean by you guys?"

Newt sighed. "Get us out, whatever. Just give me a bloody minute."

I was getting pissed off. "Fine," I snapped before pulling away. "Tom Tom is planning something right now. We should head back and not waste anymore -"

I felt my head being jerked before Newt slammed his lips on mine. Both his hands were placed on the side of my face as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Newt slowly slid his hands down to my hips before he pulled me on top of his lap. 

I suddenly pulled away from him. "Wait, wait, wait, we can't be wasting time and I'm mad at you," I panted as I got off.

Newt had the audacity to smirk at me as we both stood up. "I know. Couldn't help myself. You just get so cute when you're mad."

I glared at him. "Well, I'm about to get adorable if we don't head back...now."

"And we will. But first I have to go get something - it won't take me long. But I'd be lying if you wanted to come with me and make them wait."

"Newt," I growled.

His smirk widened. "I'll be back," he said as he started walking away, back toward the reception room.

"Newt!" I shouted. "Don't be stupid. We have to move and stick together."

Newt waved me off. "Just go get the stuff. This'll only take a couple of minutes."

I shook my head at him. "I'm serious, Newt." He kept walking. "Newt." Still walking. "Newt!"

Ugh, this boy will be the death of me.

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