With her mind in another dimension, Arabella kept up her pace. Her hair tied up in a make-shift pony tail as she ran down the block, listening to music as she let her feet carry her where ever.

Hope left town rather abruptly. Her stay was never supposed to drag, though she claimed she was needed back at the school. Arabella didn't question her of course, giving a loving goodbye as she sent her sister on her way. But she couldn't shake the feeling something was being hidden from her.

The midnight overcast masked any shadows lurking within sight, twisted arms of oak desperately reaching out to eachother as they formed a weeping canopy at least 30ft above anyone in the reserve. They were like a kind of spy, observing her every move as she padded her trainers to the floor in a constant rhythm.

That is until she came to a sudden hault. Pulling her from her thoughts, a sudden plethora of whispers began to invade Arabella's mind. She pulled out her earphone, pausing her music as she peered around.

There was nothing around her, nothing but the towering wreckage of what once was the Hale house. She tried desperately to make out the voices, though nothing was legible.

"Hello?" She spoke, tucking her phone away securely. "Derek? Someone?" Ari gulped, twigs snapping in the distance from all different directions as a group of shadowy figures headed her way.

Chants began to bellow from their mouths as faces became visible. Witches. A coven of them. Circling the young girl as she held her head in despair.

"What the hell?" The Mikaelson gritted her teeth, attempting to keep her groans of discomfort to herself, though it was failing miserably. In a plea to not only weaken her, but rid her of any useful thoughts, their menacing voices grew louder.

Using a rather powerful spell from her late grandmother's grimoire, she pushed them back, but it was not enough. No matter how powerful she was, the chances of a young, barely experienced witch overpowering an entire ancient coven of witches would be slim. And she knew it. She could not get overwhelmed.

"Why?" She practically pleaded, dropping to her knees as the pain became difficult to bare. "Why me? What did I do?" her voice breaking slightly at the reflection.

"You should never have lived." An elder began, her voice firm and demanding. Arabella's screams grew louder by the second. "You upset the balance of nature. It must be restored."

The younger tried to stand, flashing her eyes as she threatened to advance in her shifted form, though of course the witches wouldn't allow that. Penetrating her mind further with hateful, merciless strikes as her body tensed.

"Killing me won't solve anything." Ari spoke, her voice hardly above a whisper. She was about to give up completely.

"You're a monster. Just like your father. An abomination." The elder witch spat back. "You're damaged goods. You're family should have irradiated you the minute they learned the truth. The world is better off without you-"

The witch was cut off.

A menacing growl sounding as her limp body fell to the floor. A pair of glowing red eyes stood in their place. An alpha.

As the body fell, the chain was broken, the witches' magic weakened, allowing a perfect window for Arabella to stand. Channeling the rage quelling inside of her; she began to fight back.

Divine Serendipity • Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now