
I went to get some coffee from the coffee shop before heading to work. The weekend went by very fast. I texted a bit with Seok-woo. I got to know a bit more about him but still not enough. I cross over and enter the building.

"Good morn-" I couldn't even finish my sentence as I feel somebody hugging me. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" "For?" Nedati lets go of me and sits behind his desk. "Look Tiana!" He turns around his computer screen and I see an article. "What about it?" I ask confused while passing him his coffee.

"Our. Your interview with RM is everywhere Tiana. You're like a famous star." "What do you mean famous star?" "I have been getting phone calls the moment I walked in my office. So many celebrities want to get interviewed and photographed by you." I can hear the excitement in his voice.

"Wait... is this the opportunity you were talking about?" "YES! Yes it is!" "Am I going to America?!" The joy in my voice isn't even able to describe. "America? No, of course not." "WHAT?! Why not?!" Not going to America? But this was all for America.

"Tiana we just got known all over Asia. NW Magazines is all over Asia. I'm talking about countries as China, Thailand, India, Malaysia, Japan and many more. They want their celebrities to fly over for some shoots or they even want us to fly over there." The smile on his face is unbreakable, he waited years for this opportunity and he finally has it. But I'm not going to America.

"Listen Tiana. Yes, there's going to be a talk about you in America but not too much since you're not RM. They really don't care about the person that's behind the questions. Or the person that's behind the camera." Nedati walks closer to me. "They already have a lot of those in America. If you go there now you will end up having the most worse life ever. I don't wish that on my friends, not even my enemies."

Nedati gives me a hug. "Try to make it here, now. In Korea and other Asian countries so you will get acknowledged in America and have some shoots there." "Thank you." "No need to thank me. I'm your friend, seriously." I smile and let go of the hug.

Nedati goes to sit back on his chair and gets all serious. "There's an award show in three weeks. We're going to attend it. I sent you your ticket." My eyes almost fall out. "An award show?! Since when do we attend award shows?!" "Since you had that interview with RM. You're the first person who interviewed him and then did a photo shoot afterwards. He's not even accepting other magazines to have an interview with or even a simple photo shoot."

"He is not bad looking to be honest. Sad that he already has a girlfriend. The two of you would look kind of cute together." Nedati says while looking at articles on his computer. Nedati knows about my ex, he just doesn't know what he looks like. He doesn't even know his name. I wasn't comfortable to talk about Nam-joon. I felt too heartbroken to even think about him.

"Hmm. Well I'm going." "Wait. Here's my card, go buy yourself an outfit for this weekend. Don't even mind looking at the price tag. Just buy some stuff that you like."

"Nedati I can't. That's too much." "Shut up and go buy yourself an outfit. Don't mind buying a few extra and treat yourself on some nice food." "I swear I don't even know what I have done to deserve you." He looks at me with a smile on his face. "Kiara will take over your shoots for today, you're free, so go." I thank Nedati and walk out of his office.

I never went home with the car Nedati gave me. I take the elevator to the garage so that I can get in my car. I get in and start driving to the mall. After ten minutes I park my car in the garage. I get out of my car and walk inside of the mall. Times Square. It's so big and beautiful. I walk towards the escalator that's going upwards.

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