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*Lee Soojin pov*

How could I let this happen..? Y/n got kidnapped and I couldn't even protect her.

That same morning I got discharged from the hospital and went back to the dorm. I sat in my room all day, it felt too empty..

y/n and me would always cuddle when we were alone together, she would slide her fingers through my hair, she would give me kisses, how could I let this happen.

I couldn't be depressed for long, I was the oldest and their leader, they needed me now and I couldn't just disappear.

"Weeekly! gather in the living room." I yelled as I was walking to the living room. Everyone arrived and I started talking.

"Our manager reported y/n officially as missing meaning that a whole lot police officers are going to go look for her. I know this all is hard on all of us but we need to keep fighting, we need to push forward. What would y/n say when she came back and she found out we were all depressed and didn't practice. The police is going to find y/n very soon so we need to be able to welcome her back with open arms, understood?"

Even though I said these words I was still so sad it felt like a part of me was missing. Everyone was crying but I did knew they were a bit relieved after my speech.

"You heard her, let's get moving Weeekly!" Jimin backed me up, it was really nice to see that everyone was willing to still practice even with everything that happened.

I had to drive them twice because the car couldn't fit all of us. First I was with the 02 liners and then I was with the maknae line.

Even though we all agreed on practice no one was the same. Jaehee and Zoa weren't able to focus and Soeun, Jihyo and Jimin were overworking themselves.

When we were practicing zig zag we heard a knock on the door and to our surprise a police officer came in.

"Is Lee Soojin here? We need to talk to her." The police officer said trying to figure out which one he needed to be looking for.

"That's me." I answered his question as I walked towards him, we closed the door behind us and he started to talk.

"I need to ask you a couple of questions of what exactly happened that night can you tell me what you know?"

"I'm just taking back what's mine"

Her voice kept ringing in my head, I couldn't get it out, why, why, why, why, why! I kept thinking about what Jiwon said, I didn't know why and it drove me crazy.

"Me and y/n were practicing late at night when a girl named Chul Jiwon came in. We asked her multiple times to leave because she was harassing y/n and being on private property. Eventually she stepped towards us and from that moment everything went black, I don't know what happened after that."

I felt my eyes getting teary and not many moments later I started to cry. All this frustration, all this fear, all this sadness, it became too much and I couldn't keep my tears in.

"Thank you for your help, this is all for now. We'll contact you when we know more about this situation" the officer said as he was leaving.

I walked back into the room, everyone of course noticed I was crying and they all ran up to me to hug me.

"Did the officer have new information about y/n unnie??" Hyewon asked me.

"No.. he only wanted to ask me what exactly happened that night, they don't have any news about her.." My voice cracked when I said that, it hurts to much please make this stop.

I finally had her after years and now she's gone and god knows where she is. Jiyoon and Soeun tried to comfort me but I knew they were also broken.

I can't bother them too much with my sadness, the younger ones needed me right now and if I decided to just drown in my own sadness all of Weeekly would tear apart, I needed to stay strong as their Unnie.

I dried my tears and started to comfort the rest but then I remembered something Jihyo once said to us.

"When you're comforting someone and the things you say to them are actually the words you want to hear told you the most."

That really hit me hard... i really wanted someone to hug me tight and tell me everything was going to be alright but no one could, everyone was devastated and I needed to be there for them.

We decided to just go home because no one was able to do anything in this mindset.

I felt like I was losing myself again, my mind was trapped in this body and it couldn't escape. Everything felt pointless when she wasn't with me. How did this all happen? A couple of months ago we were all happy and together and now no one is the same.

After I made dinner for and put everyone to bed I locked myself in my room and started to cry again. I grabbed my phone and started to scroll through all the photos me and y/n made there were even a few of us kissing, of course we didn't send in those pictures but they were just for us.

When I looked at the time it was already 02:00 am, I didn't notice I was staring at our photos for that long.. I put away my phone and decided to get some sleep.

A few hours later I was woken up by a voice saying;

"Unnie, you need to wake up you've been sleeping all day." I opened my eyes and saw it was Jimin, she was sitting next to me on my bed trying to wake me up.

"We made you breakfast Unnie" Jihyo followed up.

"Thank you guys so much, it means a lot." I said to them while getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen.

We'll find you, I promise!

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