Chapter 1

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After his visit to the doctor, and few x-rays later, a dark blue cast tightly bound his wrist.

Dream had stayed on call the whole time, making sure he was all good. The worst part was, is that George can't drive, so his mother had to come pick him up and drop him off at the doctor's office, since she had some plans with George's sister she couldn't stay and bring him home.

He and Dream talked while he waited in the waiting room, and once he was fully taken care of, he took the bus home.

He would have hung up and let the other get their own work done and other stuff like that, but Dream insisted he stay on call "in case anything happened" the blond said.

George's heart warmed at how much the blond cared, appreciating the human decency Dream had, wanting to make sure he was safe.

The brunet had wanted to atleast mute so Dream could concentrate on his own stuff and not hear all the sounds from the bus, but the blond had insisted he stay unmuted, saying "Its like I'm actually there with you!"

And how could George say no to that?

Once he got home, thats when Dream decided to finally leave call and get work done, only after George pleaded with him and assured him he'd be just fine.

And now, as George tried his best to make himself lunch -or dinner based on the time, but does toast and jelly really count as dinner?- , he realized his left wrist is broken.

His dominant hand.

"Fuck" he muttered under his breath, trying to open a jar of grape jelly.

With his right hand he sent a text to Dream and Sapnap, saying "my dominant hand is broken, can't open shit".

Sapnap had replied first.

"how are we supposed to play Minecraft then :("

He hadn't even thought of that. YouTube and Twitch are his full job now, how was he supposed to get content out? He'd have to keep the cast on for 4 weeks, which means 4 weeks of not being able to do pretty much anything.

Dream then replied: "we can figure something out so you can still play and shit, you could try and just play with only your right hand. that'd be really funny to see you struggle lmao"

"Wow, how kind, Dream. that's kinda smart tho, I'll have to change my settings and stuff first" George texted back, finally getting the jar open and spreading the jelly on his toast.

"I know, I'm a genius 😎" Dream replied, causing him to shake his head with a laugh.

He grabbed his paper plate that held his food, walking down the hallway to his room. Once inside of his space, he sat down at his desk, turning his PC on and going to Minecraft, figuring out what controls would be easiest if he can only use his right hand.

By the time he finished eating, his phone was vibrating and he saw Dream was calling him on discord. He smiled down at his phone, answering and putting his ear buds in.

"Hey! how's your hand?" Dream asked, shuffling coming from his end. George took a second to breath. Whenever the other called him, he always felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest. He didn't want to admit how much Dream affected him.

He didn't understand how the other always made him feel like he was a teen in some coming of age movie. The adrenaline and happiness running through him. He always felt like that around Dream....but only Dream.

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