- Babe, I'm from Canada. I can handle it. – the pet name is new, but I'm not going to complain.

- Well, Canada or not, I'm not taking the chance of you getting sick on us.

- She is right Charlie. It is not worth it. – Jeff said.

- Okay. So, we are both going on the backseat.

- How?

- You are seating on my lap.

- It's a 3 hour-driving Charlie. I'm heavy and your legs are going to fall asleep.

- I've held both Jeremy and Owen on my shoulders at the same time. I think I can handle you on lap inside the car for a few hours. – he said, smiling, while grabbing my hand.

- Okay then. – I said, looking from him to Jeff.

- Alright. – Jeff said and we walked to the truck together.

Justin was already inside, on the passenger's seat. Gaby was sitting on the middle back seat while Jeff took the seat by her right. Patrick was our designed driver. Charlie took the seat by Gaby's left. I held the handler of the door with one hand and held Charlie's with the other. He pulled me inside the car. I moved one leg over his lap and then the other, leaving them both hanging between Charlie and Gaby. My back was against the door and my right arm between Charlie's neck and the car seat, like I was hugging his shoulders.

-Is this okay? – I asked him, referring to the way that I was sitting.

- Yeah. – he said, trying to find a place to leave his hands. Charlie ended up leaving his left hand on my hip and the right hand on my tight, just above my knee.

- Everyone okay? – Patrick asked from the driver's seat. We all confirmed. – Alright. Let's do this. – he said, turning the car on and driving to the road.

The first half hour of the trip was okay. I tried to hold myself upright between Charlie and the driver's seat while talking to Gaby. Charlie's hands on my thighs helped keep me steady for a while. After that I started to feel tired from the position and started to shift a little, trying to not make Charlie uncomfortable though. But, of course, he noticed my discomfort.

- Here. Try to lean against me. – he said, pulling me in. I rested half of my back against his chest and rested my head against his shoulder, facing Gaby. She was watching our interaction with a smirk on her face.

- Ustedes se besaron. (You two kissed.) – It wasn't a question, but I felt like answering anyway.

- Sí, lo hicimos. (Yes, we did.) – I told her, and she let out a happy noise, making me laugh.

- Okay, what are you two talking about? – Charlie asked, looking between me and Gaby. – You were talking about me earlier, because I heard my name. And now this.

- Believe me man, you don't want to know. – Jeff said from Gaby's other side, patting Charlie on the shoulder.

- Wait, you understood us? Earlier and right now? – I asked, sitting up again. Jeff nodded, smiling at me. I covered my face with my hands, feeling it burn of embarrassment. Charlie hugged me tight, laughing before kissing the top of my head. I took the opportunity to lean against Charlie again.

After that, the trip was a little fussy to me. I always feel sleepy when going on road trips, probably something with the car motor's sound and the road noises.

I closed my eyes and my focus shifted from the conversations around me to the feeling that Charlie's hands were walking on my body again. As always, he was very respectful – one hand resting just above my right knee and the other resting on my rip, his left arm holding me close. However, they brought back the memories from our kiss. The goose bumps that his warm hands running up and down my bare tights brought to my body. And the confidence that his tight grip on my hips made me feel. Also, finally, the safety that his hands running on my back brought to my heart.

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