Death Of The Seven Maidens And Teaser Of The 2nd Book

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The world is filled nothing but danger...

The sky was dark as the night the smoke come from the flames were filled in the air

Huge of destruction and death... Everything was completely destroyed by the people that we feared...

The academy was completely destroyed the students were dead on the ground

Every blood, sweet and tears we sacrificed ourselves to protect the world... But we failed everything again...

Y/n was run out the academy her body was covered in blood her clothes were torn a little

We feared the way we were to get we're scared of everything that we see

Y/n stopped her track she saw her own two eyes " you... Destroyed everything...." her voice went dark she felt her anger risen inside " so what? I have to do it anyway everything around is useless, weak and pathetic also you too kid" the person walked up to the little girl with a sword in their hand " a kid like you can die easily I'll take something from you..." they looked at her power watch she covered it with her hand " your powers and Shinobot are mine..."

We failed the people who we used to protect and ourselves...

Y/n was too late to dodge the sword pierced through her chest blood dripped on the ground as the sword pulled away she fell on the ground feeling helpless and cold

We died so easily...

" your real mother failed too... Just like you..." her tears rolled down her life will became to an end " you're so easy the girl who is innocent for her entire life she can't understand every single thing..." they lowered themselves to the ground their hand gripped on her hair they lifted her up both of them met face to face " you died so easily" the girl didn't listen "I will take this now

We died very weak

" wrong.... It's true I died but... Not them" a white light shines her body it went to through her watch. The watch shaken itself and then it shattered " what?!" the person was shocked they looked up seeing the elements roamed out free they dropped the almost lifeless girl on the ground

So fragile how a human life is

The 8 elements landed on the ground " what's going on here? " the girl in red questioned making herself confused. A scream came out one of them they looked at the girl in yellow she pointed at the dead body of their master " Y-y/n!" the girl in brown was about to walk up to them but " go! Get out of here! Run! And survive don't come back! Don't let them catch you!" the 8 elements looked at the person who killed her they went horrified the person was so angry the 8 ran out in different directions

We have to let go for what we left it must be done for what we're going to do

Miyako and Kohaku were inside of the school both of them panted " I can't... Believe this... Y/n is dead!" Miyako falls on the ground crying  Haku wiped the tears away from her face " this isn't good... We need to get out of here and find the others! We need to fight them let's go" both of them ran straight and saw enemies in front of them " Haku..." Miyako gripped on Haku's shirt " this is bad... We need to fight them now" both of them started the fight

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