Flowers In Teeth

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Sabrina :
My mother donated her own heart in order to save my life , in first place I couldn't accept reality , I attempted suicide , I failed , living with my brother Alexander along side his wife sofia and son sherman , I still can't believe my mother donated her own heart in order my life but I have known reason behind this mystery , I don't know know anything , but medical stuff who saved my life and hospital records doesn't have any statement which could provide me any clue , but I can't accept my defeat , I've to live my brother is my strength and my family loves me , and I know that they needs me along side them , now still four years latter I can believe I lost my mom , I quite using cigarettes five years ago but I can see it's smoke and the woman who's standing between smoke and me there is whole ground behind my huge success , but ! how it's that possible I can smell her around me ,
today I'd to go for an appointment for my new job I always love to wear frocks and today I chose to wear frock and a coat with dim light green texture , before going to appointment I need a  cup of coffee , so I went to cafeteria beside my friend's house , it's amazing there , as I entered the cafeteria everyone busy with work and smell of coffee just gave me new spirit to uplift .

Morpheus :
David she's so beautiful and innocent look at her do you think she would trust us , but , but I don't want to hurt her , do you think that's the last hope we were searching for years and now needs more courage to get help from her .
David :
yeah I'm sure , one day , one day .
  "while staring at her big brown eyes , she's pretty , brown eyes , brown hair regardless of being in simple dress Sabrina is looking more beautiful than any hollywood deva , he couldn't look at someone else before the way he look at sabrina "
David what are you looking at wouldn't you go and ask for coffee , do you like her she's so pretty .
Ahnn no , I mean , why would she talk to me I'll ask , but some another day , another time .
" morpheus with ironic smile look at his big brother David , and he was curious if sabrina would join them , went to her .
Morpheus :
Hello Miss Sabrina Phillips , Morpheus Carlyle , and up there the handsome dude with hazel eyes is my big brother .
"Sabrina looking at 13 years old Morpheus , she narrowed her eyes , and thought , what's going on , why a little boy is introducing himself "
Sabrina :
What you want little boy , am I spouse to know you ???? and how do you know mg name .
"Sabrina looking forward at the David with strong eye contact he has , she just tried to ignored"
Morpheus :
Oh miss phillips , I know your name because my brother told me so , I beg your pardon , I apologize .

Sabrina :
who is he , may be he's man from company previously I was appointed for but unfortunately I couldn't find suitable post in their company , but what they want .
  "Sabrina sipped the hot coffee , she hates capiceno , she only loves coffee , David was constantly staring at Sabrina , and exterior of coffee parlor was same as victorian with a little tough of turquoise color , she just stand up and walk to next bench in cafeteria beside corner and ask him while morpheus is a good boy who tried to explain but she didn't stopped by morpheus "
What are you circling at , how do you know my name .
Morpheus :
miss phillips please calm down let him explain , oh miss , can I call you Sabrina , you are so nice and beautiful .
Sabrina :
Ok I want to know do any of you ever known as Carlyle Family member , I suspect you both you guys tried everything and just skin off the chicken to my project last time , I lose it but now leave me alone .
David :
Can I ask you for a cup of tea , !!!!
it would be easy for us to get positive things before jumping in to the business we are  looking for , please , I'm not the man of ladies .
I ahhh , I don't even know how to get a girl for date even , I'm extremely sorry if I'd ever been cause of your problem , but I'm not the one you lose your project last time but if you want to know something about your mom and mysterious things I could help you .
"sabrina looking at him who's amazingly beautiful young man , she narrowed her eyes first , than she thought while being pessimistic , and once memories of her mother just went through her eyes , but how could they help her , she only once heard about carlyles once and a while 8 months ago , and now it's clear David isn't the reason behind losing project and job , something  else happened behind her back , but what , now somehow she knows he's not going to hurt her .
Sabrina :
But how could I trust you , I only know your surname by a colleague and I guess I'm not supposed to help you in any matter and you can't get what I want , I lost my mother and mysteries vanished with her and now there's no way back so I could get her back , and I'm not sure it's possible to know something and you can't walk away from reality and you can't change it will be more painful , I'm going .

"by saying that she tried to walk away but David hold her hand and get eye contact with her , like there's no one here in cafeteria beside them , looking into her big pretty eyes he was almost lost , he's the man of mystery , comes to have and take , to solve mysterious things becoming mystery , he opened his eyes as possible as he could get a chance "

David :
Sabrina please trust me , no one else could help you , people will eat you , they would pretend to be a victim , and once you are sleeping they will prey on you like a lion eating deer , so pretty lady , I will catch you at 9:00 AM tomorrow , same place same time so please don't be late , I've better things to offer you , please I'm not the person who Chase women and ladies , I respect your privacy but we need to collaborate .
  " by saying so he walk away  , sabrina was confused with a little sadness on her face but she somehow know they won't hurt her , next day she's here to meet David Carlyle , he didn't came , after seven days he didn't came now Sabrina looks very angry , she's angry young woman but now on the Eleventh day he came but he looks scary of someone , before he could say something A woman with red hair blue eyes snow white skin Appeared and she has bad attentions , she Appeared with dark purpose but who knows and David look forward to see them "

David :
Shall we begin?

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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