"It's alright Bulma. Emperor Pissoff doesn't need to apologize now. We can always beat the blue sucker up another time." Venom said, invisible under Goku's skin but audible enough for everyone to hear.

"You wouldn't dare!" Pilaf cried.

"Don't worry about it Venom. Besides, I think Victor would like to straighten him out." Bulma reassured.

"But Doctor Doom isn't even here! Look around, he is nowhere to be se-YIKES!!!" Pilaf screeched looking around to find Victor Von Doom sitting in his throne, his cold eyes glaring down at the blue imp. Pilaf wasn't the only one as everyone was gaping with shock at Doom's sudden appearance.

"Did you see him come in at all?" Said an amazed and frightened Krillin.

"He might have a secret passage. How else can you explain it?" Said an equally terrified Oolong, though he was unconvinced at his own words.

"Oh goody." Violet said, rubbing at hands together in eager anticipation for Pilaf's punishment.

"If you weren't amongst your current company, I would strike you dead for your insolence." Doom said to Pilaf, just loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone but Bulma laughed at what Doom said since she knew better. Doom never kids around and might even be tempted to do the deed despite everyone present.

"Hey Victor. What do you plan on serving for dinner?" Bulma said, quickly changing the subject before Pilot's remains was all over the table.

"Yeah, I was wondering that as well. Got any turkey?" Goku asked.

"We do, along with a large assortment of consumable items famous in Latveria." Doom answered.

"Alright!" All three symbiotes shouted.

"Along with some entertainment." Doom added in.

"Entertainment?" Bulma replied, wondering what was going on. "Your usually the last person to offer entertainment."

"Allow me to introduce a young girl from one of our villages in Latveria. She has quite the tale to tell you." Doom informed as several servants came in and elegantly laid out food for everyone. The last one to come into the room was a ten year old girl with red hair. She was dressing a pink winter coat with a white shirt underneath. She strolled her way down the long hallway and stopped at the base of the steps leading up to Doom's throne. As she passed Goku, some redness could be shown on her cheeks. However, Launch and Bulma never got jealous as they noticed Goku and Venom were far more interested in the food than anything.

"Hey, do you think this girl is a new member of the Venom/Goku fan club?" Krillin whispered to Oolong.

"I think this girl is a one shot deal." Oolong answered. "Usually it's the girls who are more horny for Venom than Goku who have a better shot, especially the crazy ones. If this girl makes a move, I have a feeling Venom is not going to be pleased. Just like Chichi."

"Chichi?" Mai and Launch growled.

"Oh yeah, the first woman to fall for Venom and Goku." Said a pleased Bulma as she leaned back victorious. "Venom thought she was a demon child the moment they met and was deathly afraid of her. He was smart enough to force Goku to run away before he could fall for a marriage proposal. He did not like her one bit."

"Ugh...the flashbacks are coming back of the Demon Child. Just like the Skrulls and their phone bombs." Venom groaned. "The poor Oxy Unclean King has to deal with being her parent. I feel sorry for the big guy."

When the girl arrived at her position, she stood there quietly as if waiting patiently for someone to say something. So, Doom spoke up.

"You may speak child." Doom said, as gentle as he could possibly be.

"Uh, hello. My name is Suno and I am a citizen of Latveria. Before Doctor Doom liberated my country, my village was under constant turmoil. You see...Harold, the king before Doom, had let the Red Ribbon Army into our nation. This lead to various forms of harassment and bullying from the soldiers and they even stole necessary supplies like food, water, and warm clothes for their base in Muscle Tower."

"That's terrible!" Bulma exclaimed.

"Gee, even I am not that cruel." Pilaf said.

"Yes you are." Mai countered.

"Silence!" Pilaf ordered. "The redhead is speaking."

"A few days ago, they kidnapped our chief at Jingle Village along with a local scientist named Dr. Frappe. We haven't heard back from them so far and I fear the worse. I have heard from our rightful ruler Doctor Doom that you plan on storming the tower to retrieve people you had lost. Can you please save them and bring prosperity to our nation?" Suno concluded.

"Don't worry we will be glad to help." Goku immediately volunteered.

"We will crush those bucketheads for messing with your village." Venom insisted as he slithered out of Goku's shoulder. This surprised Suno, but she didn't seem to be the least bit scared. She had seen more terrifying horrors in the ten years she had lived.

"Yeah, let's show those weebs whose boss!" Launch exclaimed as she cocked her automatic assault rifle she seemingly pulled from nowhere. Bulma had to jump back a little to avoid getting hit with the butt of her rifle.

"Then it is decided. Muscle Tower and all of General White's forces will be no more by noon tomorrow. I recommend you consume as much of the food as you can. It will be a long morning for all of you." Doom announced.

"Alright!" Everyone but Doom and Bulma shouted, immediately digging into their dinner. Of course, Goku, Launch, and Mai were making the most headway due to their symbiotic partners' own hunger. Only Doom sat back and refused to eat, believing that his mask should stay on in the presence of others.

"What are you planning Victor?" Bulma thought as she gazed into Doom's eyes, knowing there was more to what he was letting on.

"You will soon see." Replied a cold yet loving voice, causing her to flinch from the unexpected sound in her mind. "And so will the world one day."

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