I longed for this. I longed for us.

I pull him closer to me. I love how he goes warm under my touch, the heat spreading throughout his body. It's like I'm a living campfire. I give my everything to him.


I'm kissing a boy. I'm kissing Nathan.


I've waited an eternity for this.

I want to trap this moment in a pretty jar for all to gawk at.

But I'm the first to pull away, heart pounding as feelings surge through me. I can't stop smiling. Nathan smiles too, his thumb tracing my jaw, delight shining in his eyes.

"Yeah?" I smile.


Then I lower my lips to his again.

Nathan's breath is hot and sweet in my mouth. He smells like over-creamed coffee. I touch his hair, his knees, his cheeks, his back. I hold him close to me as I deepen the kiss.

He's so warm.


I feel starved all this time. Starved of love, of affection, of Ryder.

He's doing the nice thing where he's tilting his head, moving his chin up and down. Pushing me. Holding me. It feels nice, so I mimic him. I push back. I hug him to myself.

He's good at this. It's like he knows what he's doing.


I have no idea what I'm doing.

But it feels good, anyway.


And I don't want to stop.

Why should I?

All that I've been needing my whole life is right here.


The spark catches into a fire and the fire grows into a raging wildfire. Burning everything. My fingers, my mouth, my heart.

But instead of destroying me, it makes me feel more alive than I ever have in my life.


When we pull apart for air, I'm looking into his beautiful purple eyes. "I love you, Nathan," I tell him, my hand on his cheek.

His purple eyes are glowing even more now. Love. "I love you too, Ryder." He smiles. "To the moon and back."

To the moon and back.

I brush away his fringe and press a kiss onto his forehead. I've always wanted to do that. Nathan's eyes flutter shut and a small smile plays on his lips. Then I kiss his smile, and it grows bigger.

His fingers entwine slowly with mine and I squeeze his hand, my thumb making tiny circles on the back of it. I don't want this night to end. I want to stay here under the stars with him.

I could stay like this forever.


"You do know I have to go home soon, right?" I say after a while.


"Shushing me won't do anything!" I push him playfully.

Ryder laughs. I love his laugh. I love every single bit of him. I love this night. I don't want to go home. I want to stay here with him. The night sky is so big; I've never seen so much sky before.

Honey and Spice | ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora