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The bus ride to the beach is bumpy, but I love the bus lady too much to complain about it. And to be honest, I blame it on the bus. When we finally arrive, its nearly afternoon time, and people are either just packing up or coming into the beach. I don't mind it, because more people equals more people to play volleyball with. Or well. More people to distract myself with from all the shit going on this week. Gotta love it here at spy school. I heave my backpack over my shoulder and dash towards the best part of the beach. Not too close to the shore, but close enough to jump in when it gets hot. While I'm getting myself situated, I see Mike convincing Zoe to do something. I sigh. Here goes the long waited apology. I'm putting on my sunglasses by the time she comes over, and she just stands there awkwardly. 

"Sooo...?" I put my sunglasses up onto my head. I'm really just trying to enjoy a day at the beach. "I was out of line that day. I shouldn't have tried to solve my problems by using you. I'm sorry Ben," she shuffles in her avocado-patterned flip flops. "Can we go back to being friends?" she finishes in a quiet voice. I tap my finger to my lips. "Hmmmm. Some ice cream might just make me forgive you. No guarantees though," I smile toothily. I don't know why she kissed me or what made her think it was a good idea but it was more like an awkward convergence of the lips than a kiss. It doesn't bother me too much. I did a little researching one day, and I concluded to myself that her and I were more "platonic relationship," I wouldn't mind dating her, but I can't see us get past the yeah that's my girlfriend I guess stage. Plus I can hold this over her for a good three months. She puts out her fist and I bump it to seal the deal. Her demeanor is different around me now, I won't deny, but at least we are on friends status.  

And so with our flip flops filled with sand every half step, we make our way to the snack bar.

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now