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The hall fills with the deadly curses of two spies who have had beef with each other since day one. I don't mind it really, it gives me a chance to sneak into the gym with Ben. Because. You know, dramatic shouts and the smell of fries ( I told her it wasn't a good idea) is a great cover. I can tell when people are about to pop. Ben once said I have great senses, and I take that to heart every day. Not to mention that Zoe somehow got on Erica's nerves on the training course the other day. I'm guessing that was payback.

"Remember when Erica was a cold hearted asshole-" I whisper to Ben as we sneak around the bleachers. "Shut. Up!" he says through his jaw. I snigger a little until Ben pinches me and points in front of us. Trixie sits in the middle of the gym, tied to a chair. She looks kinda relaxed based on the situation we are in. I can actually hear her humming a song. I turn to Ben. "It can't be that easy," 

That's precisely when I hear Erica and Zoe's grunts of sudden combat coming from the halls. I shrug and stride over to Trixie's chair. "Hey, nice distraction," She nods toward the sound of struggle coming from the hallway as I untie her feet and hands. Ben is already rushing out the door to aid them, but Trixie takes her time to walk across the room to the double doors. She presses a little gold button that I hadn't noticed until now. A notification pops up on my screen. Congratulations! See Professor Greenwold for your score! 

"Ok so it was that easy," Trixie grins.

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now