What It Takes to Be a Hero

Comenzar desde el principio

"I hate it when he talks heroes." Said Bakugo as he threw the can away.

The two friends laughed at each other.

"Hey i got an idea, let's go to the arcade, that'll take your mind off all this." Said the first friend.

"Fine." Mumbled Bakugo.

"Or we can sneak into the bar at the station, pick up some ladies." Said the other friend with his finger shaped like an O.

"Now that's a good idea." Said the other friend.

"Idiots, if we get caught there's no way U.A. will let me in." Said Bakugo in anger as he was not about to jeopardize his chances.

Suddenly the two friends were scared and shocked.

"Hey, what's that?" Asked the two friends in fright.

Bakugo looked behind him and saw a humanoid figure with his body made out of wood.

"Let's see if your little fire is a match for my wood!" Yelled the humanoid figure while he laughed as Bakugo widened his eyes.


Midroiya was still screaming at what they saw.

"I-Wait, who are you?" Asked Midoriya.

"What happened, you deflated?" Asked Midoriya.

He looked around in a panic to see if All Might was still around.

"Where'd All Might go?" Asked Midoriya.

Vandom looked around too.

"I didn't see or hear him leave." Replied Vandom.

Midroiya looked back at the skeletal figure.

"Y-your not him, your a fake, an imposter." Said Midoriya as he was trying to make sense of what happened.

The skeletal figure gave a scoff.

"I assure you, that i am All-" Said the skeletal figure as blood started to come out his mouth.

This caused both Midoriya and Vandom to scream at the same time.

"Impossible!" Yelled Midoriya.

"How is that even possible?!" Yelled Vandom in demand as All Might was always shown in his muscular form.

"You know fat guys that suck up their guts at the pool to make themselves look buff?" Asked All Might.

"That's what i'm like." Replied All Might like it was a simple matter.

Vandom let out a sweat drop.

How can he pass that off like it's a normal thing, seriously does nothing phase him? Asked Vandom in her mind.

"This can't be real!" Yelled Midoriya as tears flooded though his face as though his childhood dream was in shambles.

"N-no, i have to be dreaming." Said Midoriya as he was still in denial.

"All Might, the giant of a man who saves everyone." Said Midoriya.

"He defeats all obstacles, and wins the day with a fearless smile." Said Midoriya.

All Might sighed at this.

"There's plenty of fear behind that smile." Said All Might.

He then saw down on a rail bar behind him.

"I'm counting on the both of you to keep your mouths shut." Said All Might.

Vandom glared at him.

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