Chapter Seventeen: The Recollection

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Later that night, I'm laying in bed looking up at the ceiling and I keep thinking back to me and Finneas in my room at Gateridge castle.

 I flip over onto my side to stare at something other than my canopy, pulling the covers tight to my chin in an attempt to forget, but it doesn't work, so I flip over to my other side and stare at my vanity, but my vanity looks just like the one in Gateridge too. I release an annoyed grunt and cover my head with my pillow so I'm not looking at anything at all. 

Nothing frees me of the memories, so I sit up in bed. I slide out from under my covers and my feet hit the cold floor. I slip through my doorway and enter the main hall, then I walk down the hallway to the rooms where the highest level Royal Guards stay. My father moved Kayden into the castle while I was away, because he was quickly climbing the ranks, much to my father's dismay. 

I stop in front of Kayden's door briefly, momentarily regretting my decision, but then I turn the door handle, and sure enough, he's sitting there in bed. He looks up at me in confusion when I enter and watches me as I walk over to his bed and climb onto in, curling up on my side facing away from him. 

"Kinsey?" He asks. 

"You should really lock that door at night" I tease. He scoffs and looks at me in disbelief, but then he starts slowly rubbing my back to comfort me. 

"Are you okay?" He asks. 

"Of course" I reply. 

"Right, because I definitely believe that" He laughs. I flip onto my other side to look at him. 

"I can't sleep in my room. It reminds me too much of Gateridge." I explain.

 "You could've slept in with my sister" He suggests. 

The thought hadn't crossed my mind. I open my mouth to say something, but then close it again, wrinkling my brow in confusion as to why I hadn't thought of that. Kayden chuckles softly. 

"I'm sure Rachel would love a roommate. All you have to do is ask" he replies. I nod my head. 

"Until then, I guess you're stuck with me" He laughs, taking a blanket and covering me with it.

 I smile and flip back onto my other side, pulling the blanket up to my chin and making myself comfortable. 

"Goodnight Princess" Kayden chuckles, leaning over to blow out the last remaining candle. 

"Goodnight, Kayden" I reply as I slowly drift to sleep.

There's a knock on the door that startles me awake the following morning and I jump a little, sliding off the edge of the bed and falling onto the floor, resulting in a loud crash. Kayden is already awake and standing next to his dresser. He looks over at me with an unimpressed gaze.

 "That was graceful, Princess" He teases.

 I shush him, holding up my finger to my lips, and then jabbing my pointer finger towards the door to imply that he should answer it. He rolls his eyes playfully and walks over to the door, opening it just enough so he can peek out. I wrap the blanket tighter around myself and press my back up against the side of the bed in an attempt to hide. 

"I'm sorry to bother you, Kayden, but the king is looking for the Princess. Do you happen to know where she might be?" A maid asks Kayden politely. 

Kayden glances over at me with a mischievous look before returning his gaze to the maid's.

 "I'm afraid I can't help you. Maybe try the gardens? I know she goes there a lot" Kayden replies. 

"Of course. Thank you. And again, sorry to bother you" The maid says, quickly leaving again. 

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