Chapter Five: The Ambush

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Once I'm back at the castle, I'm immediately escorted to my room and given a new dress to change into in order to prepare for the trip to Arden, which my father so lovingly organized. 

Apparently, the Duke and Duchess wanted us to ride back with them to Arden, where we'd meet the citizens briefly, then be sent home again. The dress my father chose for me was made of a fabric delivered by the Duke and Duchess themselves and it's a light blue color with silver and white flowers embroidered into it.

 I change into the dress and allow my maids to fuss over my tangled hair for a bit before setting off for the carriages which are surrounded by a small group of guards when I arrive. I look around for Finneas to no avail, and am about to load myself into the carriage when Kayden emerges from the group of guards, offering his hand. 

"We promise a safe passage, Princess" he says with a smile as I step into the carriage. 

I sit there alone for a bit before Finneas shows up and boards himself, sitting down next to me. The door of the carriage closes, and we're off to Arden, following the Duke and Duchess's carriage for directions.

 We arrive at Arden around midday and the sun is bright, just like the day we arrived in Wellingford. The town is significantly shabbier than Wellingford and the cobblestone streets have potholes in them that the carriages crash through as we enter the streets, jostling us around. The streets aren't lined with people like Wellingford either, and instead, people just emerge from their houses as they hear our carriages approaching. Everyone that emerges from the houses looks tired and disheveled and they stare with disapproving eyes. 

"What happened here?" I ask Finneas as we approach the town square where we'll be meeting the citizens. 

Finneas turns to look at me as I ask this and I'm surprised by the sadness in his eyes. 

"Arden used to be one of the best villages for farming. It still is. Unfortunately, when the war began, many people exploited them for their crops and many people still do. The citizens here barely have enough food to keep themselves alive now." Finneas explains. 

A sadness settles in my gut and as I exit the carriage and walk over to a table that's been set up for us, I've never felt more misplaced. My elaborate gown strikes a stark contrast to the torn and tattered fabric of the citizen's dresses as they approach me. 

It didn't help when a certain citizen walked up to me and set a rotten tomato on the table. Finneas and I exchange strange looks before returning our gaze to the citizen. 

"This was all that was left when I checked my cupboard this morning" the citizen starts.

 It's an old woman with long silver hair and wrinkly skin. 

"It's because of you royals that we're all struggling down here. I hope you're happy with what you have because you've taken it all from us" she says. 

"I- I'm sorry. I don't really understand" I say with a puzzled look. 

"Just this last week one of our supply shipments was hijacked by a group of royal guards. I only know this because my son works in delivery. They said that it was the king's orders and that he needed it because Gateridge cut back on their shipments to the castle. You took from us for your own benefit. I simply can't support a couple that does that" the woman says. 

She's about to walk away when I stop her.

 "Wait!" I call after her. She turns back to me. 

"There must be a mistake. Finneas and I don't run the delivery department. That's run by my father, the King. I'll talk to him tomorrow about sending the shipment he took back and adding some to it as well" I suggest.

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