Chapter Sixteen: The Reunion

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When we arrived, I told Lydia to put my horse in the stable and let someone in the castle know I was back from my trip early. I didn't want to set foot in the castle until I had myself somewhat put together, so I went straight to the bank of the lake in the palace gardens. 

The lake had been my mother's favorite place to go whenever she needed to escape. She found comfort in the warm rays of sun that shone through the branches of the willow tree that hangs over it, or so I was told. 

When I reach the lake, I collapse onto my knees on the soft bank, fighting back the tears that were welling in my eyes. I suddenly catch the glint of the ring Finneas gave me as the sun hits its jewels at the perfect angle. I begin to sob again at this sight and I pull the ring off of my finger, throwing it into the lake water ahead of me and watching it slowly sink deeper into the depths of the lake. 

"Princess?" I hear a familiar voice behind me ask. 

I turn to find myself looking into Kayden's concerned eyes.I didn't know he was the one I wanted to see until I saw him standing there, silhouetted by the bright sun, and his appearance renews my sobs. He walks over and sits down next to me, enveloping me in his embrace, and we just sit there for a while until I no longer have tears left in my eyes. Kayden takes out a handkerchief from his uniform and tilts my chin up gently, wiping the last tear from my cheek.

 "What's the meaning of this?" I hear my father's voice say from behind us.

 I half expect Kayden's hand to pull quickly away from me, but he lets it linger for a second before dropping it. I don't have the mental capacity to deal with my father at this moment in time, so I decide to keep my mouth shut.

 "Why are you back early, Kinsey? I specifically told you a week. How are the citizen's of Gateridge supposed to learn to like you if you stay there for merely a few days? Appearances matter Kinsey! I gave you one job. Is it really so hard to accomplish?" He accuses me. Kayden glares into my father's eyes as he says this. 

"Come on Kinsey, let's go" He says, grabbing my hand and helping me up off the bank.

 "And just where do you think you're going? Young man, you still work for me! I'll never forget what you did to our family!" My father yells after us as we walk past him.

 I take Kayden's arm and look back at my father in disappointment before we eventually leave the palace gardens, leaving my father alone to think about his actions. Kayden walks me up to my room, which the maids are hurriedly preparing. 

"Princess! What a surprise! I'm afraid we were caught a little off guard by the word of your arrival and your room isn't completely ready yet" Meredith apologizes. 

"That's okay, Meredith" I say plainly. My maids exchange glances at my short reply and Kayden steps in.

 "I'll take it from here. Thank you, you three" He says. They nod and exit the room briskly, leaving us alone. 

Kayden doesn't ask any questions. Instead, he pulls back the covers of my bed, creating room in it for me to climb into. I slip my shoes off and climb into the warm bed gratefully, not really caring that I'm still fully clothed. Kayden squats down at the edge of the bed so he can look into my eyes. 

"Goodnight, Princess. Tomorrow will be a new day" He says, brushing a runaway strand of hair away from my eyes before standing up and blowing out the last remaining candles.

I wake up the next morning to a soft knock on the door.

 "Yes?" I ask sleepily, stretching and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. The door to my room opens all the way and Rachel trots in with a tray of tea.

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